Troubled Answers

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Dear Diary...

Okay, so some crazy things have happened lately since I have gotten a boyfriend... I know super crazy and my step brother Issac isn't actually that bad, yep another shocker... Oh I almost forgot to mention I discovered that my boyfriend, you know the really sweet and good looking one Ethan yeah well he is a fucking werewolf. But, for some reason when we were in the locker room I didn't feel disgusted by him or wanted to scream that he was a werewolf and create an angry mob to kill the beast but I just wanted to feel his body on mine, his warm touch and his hot breathe on my neck. Okay, well now it sounds like I am trying to write one of them crazy sexual fan fictions about my boyfriend! My life is so fucked, anyway I'll try to write soon diary okay.

Olivia <3 x


I walked into school this morning and I looked like I just came from the walking dead, honestly someone put me back in my coffin. I looked terrible, I didn't get any sleep I just wrote in my diary, which I haven't wrote in, in a while. I just couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday, I was so calm when Ethan explained the stuff about werewolves to me. But inside I was having a panic attack, I couldn't control the other panic attacks I was having later that night! I just didn't know why he had to be a werewolf and why did he have to tell me I did not have to no, I was freaking out about how am I going to keep this from everyone. Anyway, I went to my locker as gracefully as I possibly could and began taking out my books for my classes today and then shoved them all in my bag. I then heard the bell ring and I slammed my locker door shut, and dashed off to class, and then I hit something very hard and I fell on the floor my head hurts from my fall and I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder.

"I am so sorry, are you okay" someone with a deep husky voice said

At this point my eyes are clamped shut from all the pain

"Excuse me? Aw please don't be dead" Okay so now I am sure it's a guy I ran into

I slightly opened my eyes and all I saw was a boy with dark brown eyes looking down on me his eyes were full of guilt, I heard him heavily exhale and then saw him jump to his feet

"I am so sorry I ran into you" I said my voice sounding croaky

"Huh umm I thought I ran into you?" he said confused

"Umm I am not sure" I said rubbing my head

"How is your head?" he said reaching his hand on top of my head

"Umm it's fine" I said as I swatted his hand away

"Okay, I am Carter by the way" he said with a toothy grin

"Olivia" I said

He eyes jumped wide open with surprise "Like, Olivia Mason"

"Umm Yeah" I said sounding a little creeped out now

"Shit... and I am guessing you are the Olivia that dates Ethan right?" he said sounding depressed and he rolled his eyes at me

"Umm yes" I said looking at him

"Fuck!" he said and I could hear the anger brewing inside of him

"Huh what is going on?" I say in complete confusion

"my alpha said I was forbidden to talk to you" he said looking down at his shoes

"Alpha? Aww fuck my life you are a werewolf too, why would Ethan tell you to stay away from me?" I said

He then looked up at me full of anger "Ethan is NOT my Alpha" he said moving closer to me and cornering me

"Huh? I am so confused Ethan said He and Lucas were Alpha's of their own pack" I said

I'am dating the Alpha.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora