Learning about Ethan Stevens.

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Well today was quite amazing i had English with Mrs Carter and Ethan sat next to me like he has been for the past couple of days, i look at him he is so perfect, his chiseled jawline, his dark brown eye's and the way his hair is perfectly tucked behind his ears. 
he has caught me looking at him he smiles and tears a piece of paper from his book and hands it to me it reads " Hey, stop staring it's rude ;) do you want to hang out after school?" i looked up at him, he was smiling i nodded and said " sure where are we going to go?" he rolled his eyes and replied with "okay, it's a secret you will find out.

After school i met up with Ethan at his car, he wore his leather jacket and his sunglasses, i have to say for only knowing his guy for a couple of weeks i think i am developing feelings for him.
So i got in his car and we drove to this centre for abandoned dogs, i went in and i just couldn't control the girly side of me that just wants to snuggle all the cute puppies, i looked up to Ethan he was cuddling a little husky i said " i would of never of picked you for an dog person" he laughed and replied "well yeah of course, why do you think i brought you here?" he seemed very sneaky and i was just confused "Um i wouldn't have a clue, to snuggle with cute puppies i guess?" Ethan smiled and said "Yes, but also no i am going to adopted a dog and i need your help" as i heard his word my face lit up and then i realized that i was only allowed to pick one "Aw that's so sweet but they are also cute" i then eventually chosen the cute husky he was holding before i knew he liked it he was so cute it had one brown eye and the other was a icy blue.
"i really like the husky with the different eyes" as soon as i said husky Ethan's eye's widened and were full of joy.
We took the puppy back to the car and drove to a pet store so Ethan could buy his puppy all the things he needs, we bought the puppy a lead and a collar as we walked to the counter. Ethan bought all of his items then the check out chick ask us if we would like to have the puppie's name engraved into the collar.
Ethan smiled " So Olivia do you have any idea's?" i looked shocked like what the f**k i have only known Ethan for a few weeks i thought he only wanted to hang out but now he wants me to chose a dog for him and name the cute adorable puppy, okay is it just me or is this the type of stuff that you do in relationship?
I am grateful that he let me chose all this for him because i have never had any sort of animal and we can't now in my new house with my step dad because he is highly allergic to hairy animals and guess what so is Issac.
Ethan try's to get my attention "Olivia, did you hear me?" i quickly snap out of it and reply " Um sorry yeah i did i was just thinking, well the puppy is a boy so i really like Boomer" Ethan's smile widened at my suggestion Ethan looked at me and said "Boomer it is, Yes i would like that engraved into the collar"
We then drove to a little dog park down the road from the pet store, as we got there Ethan and i let Boomer run around for an hour, for that hour Ethan and i talked i found out stuff about Ethan like that his birthday is the 7th of November and his middle name is Alexander also his favourite colour is blue and he has an older brother named Shaun and a younger sister named Lily.
Ethan looked at me like there was something wrong with him "Um Olivia, i asked you to hang out today because um well i really like you and i was wondering if you would like to go on a date or something some time?" i was shocked for a second to think that someone that cute would like me like seriously and then it made total sense the puppy and all, i started to giggle "Ethan i really like you too because you are a dork yeah i got that this didn't seem like any other 'Hang out' it seemed more like a date, and i loved ever part of this afternoon so yes i will go on a date with you" he smiled and the laugh and grabbed me by my hips " okay, wait you did not just call me a dork" i laugh then i ran away from him knowing he would run after me, he caught up to me and grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to his chest and i laughed i pushed off of him and i tripped and fell on the soft grass and Ethan tumbled on top of me i whispered into his ear "dork" he laughed and pulled me closer "you are the one who likes this dork" i looked in his eyes and then his lips, he pulled closer and we kissed, i grabbed the back of his neck to pull him closer. I rolled around so i was on top of him i then held his hand our finger were intertwine. We were kissing for a few minutes until Boomer started licking our faces so we were forced to stop or we would of just kept going.
Ethan stood and and reached for my hand, i grabbed it and he pulled me to my feet i could feel the absences of his lip on mine. i looked at him and smiled "that was amazing but i think we should go" Ethan grinned "i agree that was amazing and we should get you home".
We then reached my house on Kenneth Ave he walked me to my door "Ethan thank you for today i loved it, so about that date?" He grinned "That's okay it was one of the best days I've had in a long time, oh and yes the date, can i pick you up at 6:30pm Tomorrow night?" i thought to myself where is this boy taking me now and how sweet he is "that would be fine, okay i have to go inside goodnight Ethan see you Tomorrow night" i smiled and reached for the handle then i paused i looked at him he was still standing there, i reached for his jaw and i passionately kissed the living day lights out of him as i finished his eyes widened "Um wow! just to let you know now i will never forget you, Goodnight Olivia" my face turn very red i never knew i had that in me but hey he said he would never forget me so that's a bonus right?.


Hey Guys i really hope you like this chapter.
Sorry if there are any error's it's my first time writing on wattpad and i am a little nervous.
But please comment if you like what i am writing. 
Photo of Colin Ford who plays Ethan. :)

Michaela xx

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