It's just one

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"So we're meeting up?"
"For the first time."
"But Charlie-"
"Anna we've talked about it already. I'm not gonna judge after finding out that you are a fat, curly haired, non creative, common woman"
"Shut up Charlie, I'm gonna kill you when we meet"
"No you won't because when I tell you where we're meeting, you'll die maybe"
"Oh yeah, you never told me that"
"So now that you're in New York"
"There are many concerts happening na?"
"Taylor Swift might be here"
"Oh my god Charlie!!!!"

Anna has started to cry cuz Charlie is fulfilling her biggest dream of all time.

"Charlie do you know what you're doing?"

Charlie shifts his phone in his other hand and comes to the window of his rented flat from where the most beautiful city could be seen.

"Anna! We're going to the concert of our favorite singer for our first meet up, isn't that spectacular?"

"Charlie you're the best, oh my god I can't stop crying, I'll talk to you later?"

"Sure honey, calm yourself, Aunty"

"Shut up, uncle"

Both hang up with the biggest grins on their faces. They started calling each other a month ago, they had already listened to each other's voices on vns but calling was a different experience they both loved.

They had known each other for seven years now and they still talked like they just met.

Anna hurriedly checked the date to Taylor Swift's concert and it was 24th January, "Today's 23rd, wth it's tomorrow evening, Charlieeeee!!!" she murmured to herself. Anna sat with her phone against her chest and stared at the absolute emptiness of the hotel room she was staying in, the memories came in, how she met Charlie on twitter and how they have been best friends for seven freaking years.

Anna always felt that she loved Charlie but she couldn't let that feeling proceed because it lead to only heartbreak and agony. Deep down, she knew Charlie is all she ever wanted. Charlie was the love of her life, her heart knew.

Exactly 26 mins away from Anna's hotel, Charlie was staring at the lights of the New York City, he instantly thought they resembled stars. He was thinking about his best friend, who has been with him since the very start, who never let him go, who removed his every doubt about himself, who supported him in every way possible. His very own best friend, Anna, he sometimes thought if she actually exists or not. But then he would see her picture and smile like an idiot and would know how lucky he was.

Charlie couldn't sleep cuz of the excitement of seeing Anna, so, he texted her and it was the same with her of course. They talked about random things until Charlie fell asleep. It had been 7 years but Charlie still fell asleep while chatting with Anna, he felt peaceful and free. Anna realized and went to sleep too.


Anna woke up at 1 PM, Charlie at 2 PM, Courtesy: Sleeping at 4 AM last night.

Anna hurriedly chose an orange shirt with a white coat and black jeans along with her favorite converses. Charlie got some issues obviously, so here was Anna's phone ringing indicating a video call from Charlie.

"ANNA!!!! Green and white sweater or brown and white sweater? I can't decide ughhhhhhhh I still gotta get my pants from my cupboard and shoes oh my god"

Anna was staring at him with a straight face. "What?" Charlie asked.

"Nah nothing, just wondering, You're such a girl" Anna said making Charlie smile. It was Anna's favorite feeling.

"What can I do Anna? Just random gay problems" Charlie laughed.

And Anna's heart shattered for the millionth time. This was the problem Anna never let her feelings proceed.

She quickly avoided the feeling and laughed at it saying "Brown and white sweater with your favorite pants and those grey and yellow joggers"

"Thank you mam, see you in 2 hours" Charlie grinned. "See you Charlie ;)"

He hung up. Anna stared at the phone's screen for almost 50 seconds where Charlie was laughing just a minute ago, then got up to get ready.

6:15 PM, Anna was outside the stadium waiting for Charlie. Her heart was sinking. She was about to see the boy she knew since ages.

Charlie was in his car sweating cuz the nervousness of meeting Anna wasn't the only thing stressing him out, confusions about his sexuality were eating him up. He started feeling it a year ago. It was because of Anna. He felt something which made him confused, his feelings for Anna confused him. He removed all of those thoughts and got out of his car.

He was walking towards the stadium when he saw her. He stopped along with his heart. In that moment, he knew that he has to do something because he loved the girl standing right in front of him. Her hair, cute short hair, she left them open, orange always looked good at her. He was smiling without even knowing.

Anna saw him at that moment. Seeing Charlie for the first time in person and seeing his ravishing smile at her made her smile so brightly, even the Sun wouldn't have shone brighter than that.

Without a second thought, she ran towards the boy of his dreams and Charlie ran towards the girl of his dreams. They hugged each other so tightly and both knew that this is what home feels like. They never wanted to leave each other's embrace. Anna heard Charlie's heart beating so fast it might've come out. Charlie hugged Anna tighter and made his mind to never leave her. Then he built up courage cuz he heard a sob.

"Anna, no you're not crying or else I'll start crying too" Anna broke the hug and wiped away her tears and looked at Charlie. Charlie smiled "God you're beautiful" he blurted out unknowingly. Of course it was overwhelming for Anna "Shut up" she said wiping away more tears. Charlie instantly took the chance and said "God you're such a girl" and Anna laughed hearing her dear dialogue from him.

"Let's go inside" they both said at the same time and started laughing, after gaining their breathes, they walked inside. They definitely spent a lot if time outside cuz the host was announcing Taylor Swift's Magical entry. Anna's heart was beating faster so was Charlie's. They both had been dying over Taylor Swift since forever.

And there she was in all her glory. Taylor Swift. Anna and Charlie screamed their lungs out. As Taylor sang, her every lyric hit Charlie like a metal rod. Love for Anna was blossoming with every passing second. Anna was trying to resist any feeling to reach her cuz when Lover started playing, she knew that no matter how much she denies, she loved Charlie.

A lot of jumping, screaming and hugs later, Taylor Swift thanked the crowd and left. Anna was now leaning on Charlie and Charlie has his arms around her. Both of them were at peace until the host came up with a surprise. What would have been better than ending their night with Ed Sheeran? Yes, they couldn't believe their eyes when the ginger haired man came up, he only sang one song, P.E.R.F.E.C.T. The night wasn't ending

As soon as Perfect started playing, Anna and Charlie looked at each other. For seven years, they had been dedicating this song to each other. Ed Sheeran sang and Anna and Charlie were aware of their immense amount of love for each other.

A moment later, the whole crowd was clapping cuz the best friends werw kissing. Both couldn't believe the other kissed them back. They were sharing a thousand thoughts. They broke apart and kept looking at each other.

Anna couldn't believe how and what just happened. Charlie's confusions kicked in and he thought he'll pass out, and unfortunately he did. His vision became blurry and he fell with all his weight, thankfully, Anna was there to grab him. Someone called 911 and Anna helped Charlie on to a bench nearby.

"Come on Charlie what happened? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you, It wasn't appropriate, please wake up. I'll go away if you want me to but please get up God dammit Charlie!" Anna was crying by now. The ambulance arrived, Anna went with Charlie and thanked the utterly helpful crowd before leaving. The ambulance ride wasn't easy. Anna felt like passing out too but she stopped herself to be there for Charlie. She was selfless when it came to Charlie.

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