okay maybe two

3 0 0

The ambulance opened, Charlie was rushed to the emergency room. Anna insisted to go in but the nurses grabbed her, she sat against the wall crying hysterically. It was all her fault, she thought when the doctor interrupted her false pondering.

"Doctor is it something serious? Is he fine? What happened to him? He was alright, why did he faint?" Anna didn't even know what she was saying.

"Calm down mam, he's fine, he just passed out due to stress, he took some serious stress over something which should be avoided from now on, he'll be okay soon, you can go meet him" Anna thanked him and rushed inside.

Her heart broke seeing Charlie like that, eyes damp, staring at the ceiling, having no idea what's going around him. He noticed Anna and tried to get up but Anna fastened to make him stay in his resting position. She sat with him. They started at each other.

"What was that Charlie?"

"I'm so sorry Anna, I've been trying to talk about this to you since ages but I couldn't" Tears were falling all around his face.

"Talk about what?"

"I've been confused about my sexuality, I don't think I'm gay, maybe straight, maybe bisexual, oh god I don't know." Charlie hid his face in his hands

"Charlie when did you start feeling like that?" She asked, taking his hands in the warmth of her own

"I've thought about this since forever but last year was when it started to come up and hit me brutally. Because of you"

"Because of me?"

"Yeah" he looked in her eyes "I love you Anna, since forever, I just couldn't tell you cuz I was confused and I wasn't sure if you felt the same"

"I thought you were stressing over kissing me"

"No, no, absolutely not, It was just a clash between my thoughts. Anna! I love you so much, I've always loved you, you are all I've ever needed Anna. I won't force you, you can tell me whatever you feel."

"What if I told you I've loved you since the day I saw your little smile in your twitter pfp?"

"Since seven years? Why didn't you tell me?"

"You said you were gay dumbo"

"I'm definitely not gay"



"Oh my god I love you"

"The feelings are mutual Anna"

Both of them were crying, wiping away each other's tears. Anna sat on his little chair by Charlie's bedside. She leaned and rested her head on Charlie's chest and Charlie was at peace. Anna heard Charlie's heart beating for her this time.

"I'm bi I think"

"I'll be proud of you even if you were a worm"

"Shut up Anna, God laughing hurts" Anna giggled over this.

The doctor came in with a prescription. Anna got up and took it from him. She started laughing as she opened it. Charlie insisted to show him too "Love is enough to cure your man Anna" Both of them laughed with the doctor and their laughs told the New York City how best friends turned into lovers to stay best friends for life ✨

Bye lmfao

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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