47: Have A Little Faith In Me, Girl

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Author note: This one is a little rough in parts. At least it was for me. Just hang in there. I'm so sorry.

[Begin - "Guns and Roses" by Lana Del Rey]

The guys ran out after Eddie and the girls followed Nina into her room. Nina climbed into her bed and cried into her hands. Max, Zoey, El, Robin, and Wendy all climbed onto her bed with her. Zoey pulled her close and held her while she cried. After a few minutes Nina sat up and wiped her eyes off. Wendy reached over to her nightstand and handed her a tissue.

Heavy metal love of mine
I should have learned to let you stay

"I should have just said yes." Nina choked out. "I love him. I want to be with him."

You didn't want me all the time
But you were worth it anyway

"Oh Nina. You're self-sabotaging. He wasn't wrong. You do tend to do this. So why? Why did you say no?" Zoe asked as delicately as she could while still being firm.

"I don't know. I'm just so scared to go all in with him. It's like if I say yes and make it official it's like I've doomed the whole thing to fail. I mess things up. I know that now. I'd just fuck it all up again. It's not him whose broken. It's me. I'm broken." Nina wiped her eyes again.

'Cause you were so much better
Than the rest of them
Out of all the others
You were the honest man

"You're not broken, but you are damaged. I love you but you're damaged. We all are! We've all got our own ways that our trauma makes itself known. This is yours. Pushing people away." Max added.

He loved guns and roses
Guns and roses
He loved guns and roses
He loved guns
And roses, roses, roses

"And luring them in. It's a distancing thing. We've all seen you do it. You have lost so many people Nina, more than anyone ever should, and I think this is your way of trying to control when and how people come into and leave your life now." Zoey rubbed Nina's knee compassionately.

"I don't even know why I pay for a therapist when I have you guys." Nina said with a little laugh.

"We ask ourselves the same thing. But we all know you're working on yourself too. He knows that deep down I'm sure. He's just upset." Robin said lightly.

Motorcycle love divine
I should have learned to let you play

"I love him more than I have ever loved anyone in my life. I want to marry him someday. What should I do now? Go after him?"

I wasn't the marrying kind
I should have done it anyway

"No no. Give him some space tonight. Just talk to him tomorrow. Actually, Max? Wanna come with me and check on the guys?" Robin asked, getting a nod from Max. Robin stood up and spun around quickly. She then ran into the living room leaving the rest of the girls with confused looks on their faces. She came dashing in holding Salem under her furry arms with her legs stretched out, also looking confused.

We should have left Las Vegas
And then began again
Took your bike to Detroit
Back to the promised land

"Here. Pet the cat. We'll be back in a jiff." Robin said plopping the cat in Nina's lap. Salem just looked up at Nina while she looked back down at her. Max and Robin scurried out the door.

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