0.8 {under the influence}

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I've been staring at him for a while now.
Trying to pick up the courage to talk but all I can do is watch and listen as he talks.
To himself mostly, he's drunk
Maccu is upstairs with Venice, right now it's 3 in the morning, I waited for him all night to come home and this is how he does it.
High and drunk.
He was supposed to pick me up after college at 7 but I had to get Porsche to get me.
Mumbling to himself and speaking incoherently.
I've been wondering all night why did he do this, we didn't fight at all since my accident.
Why would he feel the need to go this way?
I sigh and go to the bedroom, pulling back the duvet I slide in and wrap myself around the blankets, maybe sleep will help the aching feeling in my hearth.

"Baby" a slow almost sober voice woke me up .
I open my eyes it's the next morning, Vegas is wrapped around me.
I almost believe last night was a dream until I smell his breath.
"Take a shower"  I mutter pushing him off me.
"What's wrong Pete "?
What's wrong?
I get up wrapping the blanket around my shoulders and head for the bathroom, "If you don't know what's wrong then that only makes this situation worse " I say going in and slamming the door shut locking it.
I let the blanket fall and turn on the shower.

"You should go out an have fun your not the same Vegas anymore you have a child and fiancé that makes you his space who the fuck are you"!
Those words infuriated me and caused me to go out last night, I had a blast but that all faded when Pete looked at me this morning.
Regret filled me once I realized I forgot to pick him up, it was spilling rain yesterday , how long had he waited in the rain for me?
He also was awake all night for me.
Stupid and reckless Vegas.

"He's not here" Maccu said as I entered the kitchen looking for Pete, "He's gone to bring Venice to his injections appointment " he added scowling at me.
"You know he waited two hours in the rain for you until he finally gave in and rang Porsche? He came home looking for you but I didn't know where you were either, he had to feed and dress Venice for bed while making dinner for you and me too, he had didn't sleep a wink until you came home at 3 in the morning" Jesus Christ Maccu don't make me feel worse than I already do.
"I thought he changed you Vegas "
"Well maybe I don't want to change"! I shout at Maccu.
He looks at me with displeasure and leaves the kitchen.
I grab my head as a headache comes.

His eyes are distant when he returns, he's making Venice food in the kitchen, I'm scared to approach him,
His eyes have turned cold and distant.
There's bags under his eyes caused by me and he's yawning.
"Baby please look at me" I finally ask but don't go near him knowing he needs space.
I see him sigh heavily as he drops the knife and walks past me.
I follow him into our room where he's sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.
"Please just scream at me it's  better than pretending I don't exist" I plead dropping onto my knees in front of him.
"Why"? He asks.
I explain why I did what I did.
"Then I'll get out of your life and you can go back to be phycothic Vegas " he laughs without humor scowling at me.
"It was one moment of weakness Pete I'm sorry " I say grabbing his hands and placing them on either side of my face.
"Please I'm begging you" I say dropping my head into his lap.
I feel his fingers thread through my hair giving me some relief.
"Sorry doesn't fix it Vegas" he says his eyes softening a bit but he's still mad.
"I know please Pete I won't do it again" I promise bring his nuckles to my lips pressing a kiss.
"If you do I'll be gone, I'm not going to be treated like this" he says sternly.
I believe him, I grab his face pressing my lips to his unable to hold back.
"I love you so much " I say between our lips .
He nods hugging me to his chest.
"I know "

The Angel who chose me [book2] vegaspete Where stories live. Discover now