Travelday Bischofshofen -> Wisła

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"You didn't have to do that, Philipp." Helena complained again as soon as Philipp got out of the car to hug his best friend. "But I wanted to. I'd rather go with you than alone.", Philipp. "But I could have come to you.", Helena replied and smiled because of Philipp. "Another time gladly, but not today. You would have had to get up earlier then we already had to and we both know, that you aren’t the biggest fan of getting up this early and I personally don't want you to drive whenever you are this tired.", Philipp said and grabbed Helena’s bag. "Okay, okay. You are definitely right" Helena gave in, affirming the truth and opened the trunk. "I left just enough space for your bag." Philipp explained and stuffed Helena's bag into the trunk. "Am I in charge of the music?" Helena asked and threw herself on the front seat next to Philipp. "Yes, you are my passenger. We'll hear whatever you want.", Philipp explained, shut the trunk and got back into the car. "Let's go then." Helena said, buckled up and connected her cell phone to Philipp's car radio.

Both sang along with the songs and enjoyed the ride. Arrived in Bischofshofen, they stopped at the meeting point and greeted the others. As soon as everyone had arrived there, they got together and split up among the cars. Philipp, Helena, Daniel Huber, Daniel Fettner, Andi, Tschofe and Manu went to one car and loaded their stuff in, while the others loaded their stuff into the other cars. "Who goes first?" Daniel Fettner asked. "I'll drive and at some point we swap to you driving and if we have to swap again Helena needs to drive." Andi reflected. “Sounds good to me, maybe I'll be awake enough then." Helena said and climbed onto the front back seat with the others.

By the time they hit the road not so much later, Helena pulled out her headphones and connected them to her cell phone. As much as she would’ve liked to chat with the team right now, she was just too tired and needed more sleep after her rather short night. "Have you hardly slept again?" Manuel asked. "I just deliberated a little to long last night and texted a few people." Helena admitted and yawned a little. "Then sleep now and we'll wake you up as soon as we take a break.", Philipp said and smiled. "Good night boys." Helena said with a grin and put on her headphones before starting the music and closing her eyes.

While Helena drifted off into the land of dreams, Philipp, Daniel and Tschofe started talking about all sorts of things. Manu, on the other hand, also listened to music and watched the landscape pass by.

"What have you actually been doing since the last training session we had together?" Huber asked at some point. "Honestly, not that much anymore. I went hiking with Helena one day and we went swimming some other day. Otherwise I was alone at home and prepared myself. What about you?” Philipp said and smiled happily because he thought back to the two days. "I just tried to spend as much time as possible with Franziska." Daniel answered. "Alex was with me for a few days. But we didn't really do much.", Tschofe said and smiled happily. Philipp smiled slightly. He has always been happy to see his teammates so happy whenever they talk about their partners, but at the same time he's lately wished more and more that he himself was taken again and could talk about a partner just as happily as the others did. But he thought it was almost unlikely to happen any time soon.

In the middle of the further conversation, something suddenly fell gently on Philipp's shoulder, which scared him for a second. But when he turned his gaze slightly in the direction of his shoulder, he had to smile embarrassedly. Helena had shifted so much in the seat that her head had fallen onto his shoulder and now she was beginning to snuggle her head lightly against his shoulder. Philipp grinned to himself. Somehow it was cute how Helena's head was resting on his shoulder. He would definitely do anything to make sure she wouldn't wake up just because her head fell off.

"Somebody is looking for affection." Huber commented with a grin. Philipp shrugged his shoulders and explained with a slight smile: "If it helps her, I have no problem with it." "But that's not how you sit together if you're not a couple." Tschofe considered. "You have to learn that friends also cuddle or do things that partners do." Philipp defended himself. Tschofe just rolled his eyes. He no longer liked the digs at his age.

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