Confessions and an unlucky austrian

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"I beg you to not talk to anyone about what I'm about to tell you." Marius said and looked at Helena. "I promise you." Helena replied. Whatever it was, the last thing on her mind was to tell others about things people shared with her in private. Except when it came to crime. "I'm not straight." Marius blurted out quietly. Surprised, Helena looked at him, and didn't know what to say for a moment. "Can you please say something?" Marius asked uncertainly and looked down. ,,I do not mind about your sexuality. Some of my friends aren't straight as well and you are one more now.” Helena replied and smiled. "Phew, I was scared for a moment." Marius said quietly. "Don't forget that I am friends with the couple in the ski jumping world that is many things but least of all straight." Helena replied smiling. Marius sighed and looked down. He desired to have exactly the same Krafti and Michi had, but he didn't know how he could go about it, let alone whether it would ever become a reality.

"How did you even find out about you not being straight?" Helena asked softly into the silence. "I unintentionally fell in love with someone from the team." Marius admitted sheepishly. "Oh." Helena said and looked at Marius with wide eyes. "I wish it wouldn’t be like that, but somehow Daniel just happened to me." Marius said and started to smile. "You can't control your feelings. Some things just happen.” Helena replied smiling. "But what should I do now? I can't just walk up to him and say 'Oh by the way, you're beautiful and I love you.'' Marius mused. Helena laughed lightly. "You could. But maybe not that straight to the point, but in such a way that he can prepare himself for the fact that you have to tell something. Although, do you even want it?” Helena suggested. ,,I do not know what I want. I want him to know, but at the same time I don't want him to because I'm afraid that something will change then.” Marius explained a little desperately. "But you would want to be with him if he felt the same way?" Helena asked. "That would be the best thing that could happen to me." Marius replied and smiled slightly. Helena smiled too and explained, “Then you might have to take the risk of telling him. Only then can you know for sure if you might be lucky enough that he loves you too. But you don't have to decide right away whether you want that. In fact, I would almost advise you to do it during the break after this weekend." Marius smiled, just pulled Helena into a hug: "Thanks, I think I will."

"If you need to talk or need some encouragement, feel free to message me or even call me." Helena said and broke away from Marius with a smile. Somehow the idea of ​​her two best friends from Norway becoming a couple was cute, but she had no idea how realistic it was that this would actually happen. "Thank you." Marius said smiling again. "Not for that." Helena replied with a grin and after a while the two made their way back to the hotel. They said goodbye to each other and then disappeared into their rooms.

Arriving in her room, Helena got ready for bed and then went straight to sleep.

The next morning, Helena's alarm clock rang shortly after 8 a.m. and Helena got up immediately. After getting ready, Helena grabbed her things and went down to the breakfast room. "Hey Helena." the austrian women said loudly. "Good morning. Do you have a place for a lonely Physio?" Helena asked. "Sure, come sit down." said Harald (women's trainer) and pointed to the chair next to him. Grinning, Helena put down her things and got breakfast before she sat down with the women's team.

"Why are you already up?" Marita asked. "I need to prepare every important thing so that everything is ready as soon as the others get up. And I can wish you good luck for the qualification." Helena explained with a grin. "You haven’t prepared your physio place, haven’t you?" Harald (the trainer) asked and laughed lightly. "I wanted to... But then I was busy with other things." Helena replied and laughed lightly. Yes, if she had prepared that yesterday, she could have at least slept a little longer, but Marius was more important. "Some things probably never change," Harald replied. "I didn't intend to change that." Helena replied, grinning and eating her bread.

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