Chapter 12: Being Followed

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Ian POV:

"Ow! That was my leg." I groaned out when the tailor poked me with a sewing pin.

Myself, Johnny, and Tommy were all getting fitted for our tuxes for the wedding and for some reason the tailor sizing my tux kept poking me.

"If you stopped fidgeting, I wouldn't poke you." If a customer heard the way the tailor was speaking to me, they'd think he was rude or unprofessional, but Mr. Stamos had been a friend of the family for most of my life and was the one we always went to for our suit and tux needs. "You know you haven't changed since you were a kid, Adrian. You fidgeted back then too."

"Oh. I'm just nervous, Mr. Stamos. There's only a month left until Zoey and I say I do." I admitted aloud.

"Dude, everything's going to go smoothly." Johnny sounded so casual as he looked over to me. "That woman loves the hell out of you and you love her. There's nothing to be nervous about. Are you scared she's going to leave you at the altar or something?"

"She wouldn't do that, Johnny. We know how Zoey feels about Ian. I know she'll be up there with you standing at the altar to say I do." My brother-in-law reassured me from where he stood on my right, being measured for his own tux.

"With everything going on and the threats having popped up, I'm just a little unsure. . ." I would be lying if I said the intruder and letters Zoey was getting didn't worry me. "Did you get any leads from your police contact, Tommy?"

"No, mate. Unfortunately they couldn't find anything. I even had them check to make sure that psycho ex of yours was still locked up away from here." Tommy's accent come out heavy as he responded to me. "They said the person who's doing this didn't even leave finger prints. How is that even possible?"

I frowned, my mind beginning to race. "I don't know. . ."

"Stop moving!" Mr. Stamos shouted at me in his thick Italian accent as yet another sewing pin poked my leg. "You love this woman?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Woman love you?" He stood slowly to his feet, pulling out his tape measure and making sure he measured the length of my pants correctly. He looked at me through his dark eyes, asking, "Does woman love you?"

"Yes." All three of us responded to him at once.

Mr. Stamos let out a chuckle at our simultaneous reply, running a hand through his thinning gray hair. "Then nothing worry about."

"But the threats worry me." I really wanted to get to the bottom of who was sending them to my fianceè, but with no leads I had no way of knowing.

"Body guard protect her, right?"

"Yes. Ian makes sure that detective follows her like a puppy dog." Johnny budded in.

I groaned at the comment. "I do not. I only make sure he does his job. Zoey's parents hired him to protect her, not to just do nothing."

"Oh sure. So calling or messaging him every five minutes isn't making sure he's following her like a puppy?" My best friend teased me.

"Oh shut up. I don't do that." I groaned again when Mr. Stamos swatted my leg.

"No moving."

After that, I kept quiet, though in my head, my thoughts whirled.

Zoey POV:

I nervously tapped my fingers against my thigh, waiting for the girls to arrive for our second to last dress fitting. This one would be the first time Yani would be at the fitting and the first time she would be meeting everyone. Well, with the exception of Carlie who had only seen her at the coffee place and I don't count that since we didn't really introduce ourselves to her or anything.

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