Chapter 7: Pancakes

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I felt exhilarated and satisfied after my time in the shower with Zoey.

After we'd been caught by my sister about to have sex, I almost lost my desire to, but then as I watched her prance over to the our bedroom door, her ass in perfect view for me, I was hard again. 

I knew I had to have her in that moment or I would spend the rest of the morning in a cold shower, trying to get the view of her sexy, naked body out of my head. 

Getting dressed back in our room, a smile remained on my face. 

"Well, ready to face the music?" I felt a sense of deju vu as I turned and asked her. Taking in what she wore, my gaze didn't leave her. 

She wore a simple pink sundress, the straps leaving enough skin for me to admire and run my hands along if I had desired, the fabric clinging to her body in all the right spots. 

I licked my bottom lip, feeling myself get aroused again. 

This woman always did that to me. Whether she was wearing sweat pants, a sexy dress, a casual outfit, or nothing at all, Zoey always turned me on. 

She was gorgeous and funny, smart and kind. She was my perfect woman and I couldn't wait until the day I married her.

"Yeah. . . Though, I'm sure Bri won't let us hear the end of this." She blushed deeply, looking at me through her lashes. "It was worth it in the end, though, if I'm honest. That shower was amazing."

I walked towards her, laying my hands against her bare shoulders and my thumbs stroking her skin. "You're amazing, Zoey."

"Ian. . ." She blushed deeper, her hands trailing up my chest and resting on it. "You always know how to make me feel so loved. . ."

"I will always make sure you feel that way, baby. You deserve it." I cupped her cheeks, holding her face between my palms, pressing my lips against hers in a short, but meaningful kiss. 

She returned the kiss, her hands gliding up and wrapping around my neck. 

Zoey POV:

"What kind of pancakes would you guys like?" I asked my two best friends, who sat at the kitchen table, watching me with curious eyes as I began pulling ingredients out of the fridge and cabinets. "I could do strawberry, banana, chocolate chip, or blueberry.  Even regular if you prefer. So what'll it be?"

I gestured to the many fruits I'd pulled out with a smile, waiting patiently for their answers.

"Hmm. . . Could you do a banana and strawberry one for me?" Rose asked, sounding like a child asking their parents to make them something.

"Of course." I replied cheerfully, beginning to prepare the particular one she wanted. "What about you, Bri-Bri?"

"Chocolate chip and blueberry!" She held a finger up in the air, a wide grin on her face. 

"Alrighty then. I'll make yours next." I didn't cook much, Ian having done most it, but when he left for work that morning, I had a perfect opportunity that I took advantage of. As I prepared my best friend's breakfasts, I felt happy. More happy than I had in many weeks. 

With the planning of the wedding, the reminder of the anniversary, and the random photo and letter showing up, I had been under so much stress, I had been in a funk. One that even my fiancee couldn't have brought me out of at the time.

I was in a good mood that day though, getting to spend time with my best friends the night before and for the rest of the day, and also being satisfied and fulfilled by Ian while in the shower earlier. 

"What's got you in such a great mood?" Rose asked curiously, her gray eyes gauging for my reaction. 

"I'm happy." I replied, smiling still as I finished up her pancakes, flipping them onto a plate and passing them to her before beginning on Bri's.

I paused when Rose kept eyeing me eye and down. "What is it, Rose?"

"You got laid." She giggled and I turned deep red, glaring over at Bri. 

"A matter of fact, yes I did. I take it Bri told you she saw us?" I asked in a calm voice. 

"Actually no. I heard you down the hall." Rose burst out laughing hysterically when she saw my eye roll. 

Dammit, Ian! You said they wouldn't hear us over the water. I made it my goal to let him know that one when I saw him again.

"Oh gosh. I'm sorry if we were too loud." I spun around, facing the stove and working on the blueberry chocolate chip pancake, grateful they couldn't see how red my cheeks were.

"No need to apologize. It sounded like good sex." 

"Rose!" Bri smacked her playfully. "Can we stop talking about this?"

"What? Good sex is good sex. Just because Ian's your brother doesn't mean we can't have girl talk about it with Zo." The strawberry blonde shrugged her shoulders before digging into her breakfast. "Mmm! These are amazing, Zoey!"

"It's because he is my brother why we can't have that girl talk with her." Bri crossed her arms in front of her, knowing it was useless to argue with Rose, who always won when it came to girl talk.

"Glad you like them. I haven't made them in so long, I was worried I forgot how to." I flipped Bri's onto a plate and spun around, sliding them to her. "And there you go. Hope you like your's too. Also, sorry, Rose, but I agree with Bri. Let's stop talking about it."

She just sighed, but nodded as she ate more of her pancakes. 


I missed Zoey the minute I left the house, my work day dragging by agonizingly. I couldn't stop thinking about her as I typed up my paperwork, even accidentally ending one of my letters to a client by signing her name. Thankfully, I caught it before it sent off, making sure I actually signed my name instead. 

Dang it, Ian. Get yourself focused. I ran my hands through my hair, dropping my head. 

Knock. Knock. I lifted it up when I heard the tap on my office door.

"Come in." I called to the person on the other side.

The door swung open and in walked Helaina, wearing a pink blazer and black skirt that fit her like a glove. "Hey, Ian. I was just checking to see if maybe you'd want to head to lunch with me? Everyone else has already taken their's besides us and I just thought I'd ask in case you didn't want to eat alone."

I scratched the back of my head, debating it, realizing she was right about me not taking my lunch yet. I just had been too distracted, thinking about my beautiful fiancee at home. 

"No. That's okay. Thank you though. I just don't feel it appropriate to do that when I'm an engaged man." I spoke in a firm, but calm tone. "Sorry, Helania."

"Call me Laney. And it's not like I meant anything by it. I was just being nice." The dark-haired woman actually looked offended I said no. "But that's okay. I'll just go eat by myself." 

She turned on her heel, popping her ass out in view of me, which made me think of my Zoey again and our amazing shower together. 

Dammit! This day needs to hurry up. I bit my bottom lip, willing the sudden desire filling me to go away. At least until I got home to my fiancee.

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