Part one- The meet

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      I lived a pretty average life as a muggle. I knew my dad was a wizard since I was a kid, but we lived as muggles. I was always told to never let the muggles know about the wizarding world. To be totally honest I never really cared about the wizarding side of my family. I just wanted to live a normal teenage life. But when I turned 16 everything changed.

      Voldemort, He Who Must Not Be Named, started to tighten his grip on the muggles. My father wanted me to hone my wizarding skills in case I needed to protect myself.  Instead of going to a normal muggle school both my parents dragged me to Hogwarts. To be totally honest I was not excited. I did not want to go when everyone else had been there years before me. I would also have to leave all my muggle friends and my muggle house. I had to say goodbye to what was normal for me. I remember the day I had to leave my house. I had never cried so much.  But I had to move on and prepare for my new life in the wizarding world.

     Instead of getting a normal wizarding pet, I brought my turtle from home. My turtle's name was Edgar after Edgar Allen Poe. He had a dark green shell and pretty big eyes for a turtle. He was always my best friend. I was hoping to avoid anyone going to Hogwarts in Diagon Alley but you know that's kind of inevitable. My parents had business transferring our muggle money into the wizarding currency so they left me all alone to go to Gringotts Wizarding Bank. After they had left me with some wizarding money I started to walk around. If I was really being honest with myself this world was in its own way decently attractive. I was so busy looking around at the architecture I didn't notice that a very blonde boy was right in front of me. He seemed to be incensed. I didn't want to talk to him because I usually avoid angry people. But he did not avoid me. 

"Hey, what are you looking at, muggle?" He said in a not-so-kind tone.

I didn't respond and kept walking, I didn't have time for drama. Although how did he know that I was half muggle? I started to get anxious because being half-muggle was not great with Voldemort getting more power. I knew that Olivander's was closed because of Voldermort at least that's who I assume was in charge of the attack. I was not fully aware of what was going on in the wizarding world.

"Excuse me! I asked you a question and you never answered me." He said sharply. I scowled and responded to him despite not wanting to, "I don't know who the heck you think you are but you need to learn social skills." I really didn't want to deal with this. He had a shocked look in his light blue eyes. His tone changed to a calm tone, "Are you attending Hogwarts?".  "What's it to you?" I asked still annoyed with this blonde nameless boy.  "Am I not allowed to ask a question?" He said in a very sassy tone. I just rolled my eyes and said, "Yes I'm transferring to Hogwarts."

"Not many people transfer this late to Hogwarts..." He said in a suspicious tone. I just awkwardly nodded not wanting to give him too much information but he did somehow know I was half muggle which did make me a tad uncomfortable. 

"I didn't get your name," I said. "It's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He said with a smirk. "And I already know your name, Lily." He said with an even bigger smirk.

"How do you know my name?" I asked with a concerned look on my face because quite frankly that is concerning. 

"You're the talk of the town, a half-muggle who was raised with muggles coming to Hogwarts. It's a good conversation starter instead of talking about Harry Potter." Draco said Harry's name with disgust. Then a woman who looked somewhat like Draco with brown hair that underneath had bright blonde. The woman had a frown on her face and raised her eyebrows when looking at Draco. The moment Draco saw this woman who I assumed was his mom his whole demeanor changed. 

"Draco we are here for business not fun." She emphasized the fun and looked at me with a glistening look of disgust in her eyes.

"Yes, mother." Draco had said. He gave me a soft smile and went off with his mom. He became a totally different person when with his mom which was quite strange given how dominant he had acted before.

I finished up my errands and my parents came out of the bank. "Did you meet any students at Hogwarts while we were here?" My dad had asked me. "Yeah, but he was a little strange. He said he's a Malfoy, do you know his family?" I asked my father. My dad's face went white when I said the name Malfoy. "Lily, please don't talk to him. The Malfoys only causes trouble."  I just nodded at my dad. But something had felt different about this boy. He may have been a little mean at first but I felt like there was deep character underneath the mask he was wearing.

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