Starting Hogwarts

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When Draco and I got inside of Hogwarts, I was taken aback by its beauty. They were excited kids all around me. It wasn't just the first years who seemed completely amazed by the building, but everyone was amazed.  I stopped before entering just to admire the beauty in front of me.

"Lily, what are you doing?" Draco asked me playfully with a tilt of his head. "Do you not see the beauty!" I spoke back at him.

I was too distracted to see Draco look at me when he said to me slyly, "Yeah there's a lot of beauty."

He grabbed my hand once more and immediately my face flushed. He led me into the building. Most of the students ran into the dining hall. A white-haired man with blue robes carrying a talking hat walked out of a corner. This was strange, I'm going to have to get used to seeing strange things.

The man looked at me and said in a raspy wise old voice, "Lily, put on the sorting hat so you don't have to be sorted into a house with the first years." I put two and two together and realized this was Professor Albus Dumbledore. I went up and placed the hat on my head. Draco watched with amusement.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmm," The hat said, "Hufflepuff!" 

"Alright Lily, please sit with your fellow house members at the Hufflepuff table."

I nod my head in agreement. Draco looked slightly disappointed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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