Part 3- Train car

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We walked onto the train and went to a secluded cabinet on the train.  When I walked into the section we were sitting in I found out there was some sort of a rise in the flooring... After I tripped into the room.

"Jeez, Lily are you good?" Draco said with a slight chuckle.

"Oh my balls, that was kinda embarrassing," I said but rolled my eyes at him. He just smirked at me while we sat down across from each other. 

I started to look out the window while the train started to lurch forward. I was obsessed with the scenery that was unfolding in front of my eyes. I assumed Draco was doing the same thing since he hadn't said anything since I tripped. But, when I looked over at him he was looking directly at me. Once he noticed I turned over and rose an eyebrow at him, he just looked away.

That was kinda suspicious not going to lie.  Now he actually was staring at the scenery outside his window. He had a pained look on his face. I could only assume his family life wasn't great just by observing. Maybe the reason he acted like such a jerk was only that that's what he's used to and that's how he was raised. 

I realized that I was no longer looking at the forestry but was looking at his face. He was really pale almost as if he rarely stepped outside, but he had a slight tint of rose to his cheeks. He had the most gorgeous ice-blue eyes. You could almost see all of the pain inside his eyes. My eyes trailed down to his pink lips. He had the sharpest jawline I had ever seen.

Draco cleared his throat and looked at me suspiciously. I could feel my cheeks flush. I awkwardly chuckled and pulled out my journal. I love to journal it makes me really calm. 

"What's that?" He asked with a soothing tone.  "Oh, it's just my journal. It helps me process my emotions."  I responded 

"What emotions are you processing right now, Lily?" He said with genuine concern laced in his voice.  I took a deep breath and tried to think of how to word my scattered thoughts.

I was stressed because I was moving into a whole new type of world, I had to leave all of my muggle friends, I was coming in late into Hogwarts everyone is gonna be weirded out by me, and I don't even know what house I'm going to be sorted into yet.

"I'm just processing being in a new environment, that's all," I said with a slight smile on my face.  Draco didn't seem convinced but dropped the conversation. He then asked me what life was like living with Muggles. This shocked me because I thought he didn't like muggles, but he seemed genuinely curious.

In the middle of our conversation, the train stopped and we had to get off. Draco looked slightly disappointed. This time when exiting the compartment he stuck out his hand so I would not trip. He had the biggest smirk when I placed my hand in his. After I stepped out of the compartment I assumed he would let my hand go but he didn't. He only let go once we were completely out of the train.  I could feel my heart flutter at this, but I just go to Hogwarts, boys shouldn't be at the forefront of my mind. I tried to snap myself out of it, but the blonde smug boy kept creeping into my brain.

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