Chapter 2: The Return

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Kage didn't think that when he woke up this morning he would be carrying a 6'1 owl to the gym. Sounds weird right? But there he was outside the gym with, his newly made friend, on his back. The owl boy jumped off his back and opened up the doors. Bokuto started walking in, but when he noticed Kage wasn't following, he turned around. "Hey, dude, ya coming?" Bokuto asked with a hopeful expression. Kage just nodded his head and walked in behind Bokuto. The Fukurōdani gym was huge! There were 3 courts and volleyball nets set up on each one. Kage stared in wonder but stopped once he noticed the other people gathered in the corner of the gym. Bokuto stopped in front of them and gestured towards Kage. "Guys this is my new friend Kage Siroyama, but you can call him Kage." Bokuto said with a bright smile. A brown haired boy walked up to Kage. "Hello. I'm Keiji Akaashi but call me Akaashi. I'm a second year and I'm vice captain of the boys volleyball team. I'm the setter and stand 6'0 tall." The newly named Akaashi said. The rest of the team introduced themselves. "I'm Kotaro Bokuto. I'm the captain and ace of the volleyball team!" Bokuto yelled. "So, Kage, what position do you play?" Akaashi asked. "I don't really have a set position. I played wing spiker back in middle school, but I usually play receiver now." Kage said nervously. "You must've sucked at spiking then." Bokuto said rather blunt. Akaashi smacked him in the back of the head. "That's rude Bokuto.", Akaashi scolded. "I got into an accident the beginning of my last year of middle school. Jumped up to spike the winning point but when I landed the ball was tipped by the other teams libero. Instead of going up like the ball should have, it rolled under the net. The ball got underneath me at just the right angle and I fell hard. I tore my Achilles tendon in my right leg and fractured my knee cap on my left leg. I've been to scared to jump up and hit a spike since." Kage told them all. He rubbed the back of his head, while the team stared at him all wide-eyed. "Wow dude! That's rough but you should come spike some with me so our middle blockers can practice." Bokuto said "Did you not hear what I just said Bokuto? I don't spike anymore. I can help you guys receive but I don't spike." Kage said slightly angered. "C'mon dude! Spike one for me! I have to see if I'm better then you! Plus you never know what will happen. Please...please...please...please...please..." Bokuto begged. "Just spike one for him. So he'll shut up please." Akaashi told Kage. "Fine. Just one. After that you can't ask me to do anymore, Bokuto." Kage said sternly. "Yesssss!!!!", Bokuto said and took off towards were the balls were kept. After grabbing one and examining it, Bokuto ran back over. "Here Akaashi. You set one to me and then one to Kage. Make it a good one!" Bokuto yelled. He ran towards the court. Once everything was set up the way the two wanted Akaashi set to Bokuto. Bokuto ran up and leaped into the air above the net and slammed the ball down. WHAM! The ball landed just inside the court line on the left. "Hey, hey, heyyy!" Bokuto yelled and pumped his fist in the air. "That was a nice spike, Bokuto!" Kage said. "They don't call me the spectacular ace for nothing!" Bokuto said with a smile. "Nobody calls you that, Bokuto." Akaashi said in a calm voice. Bokuto practically wilted right then and there. Akaashi looked at Kage."You're up Kage." "Ok" ,Kage replied. Kage stepped onto the court and took a deep breath. He could feel his heart racing. His palms were sweaty and Kage started to doubt himself. "C'mon Kage! Show me what you got, man!" Bokuto shouted. Kage took a step back then began to run towards the net. He crouched and jumped into the air. Everything stopped. It was like time slowed down just for this moment. Kage saw the blue and yellow ball out the corner of his eye. He started to bring his right hand forward and when he felt his hand touch the ball everything sped back up. He slammed the ball onto the other side of the court. WHAM! Panic started to settle in. He was falling. Kage was falling and he wasn't sure if he would land safely. Fear started to creep in. Like a leak in a dam. The fear just got stronger and the leak just got bigger. Kage had a moment of clarity when he felt his feet hit the ground. Kage clenched his eyes shut and waited for the pain in his legs to hit. Kage just stood there for minute with his eyes shut and his body crouched. Slowly he peeled one eye open and saw Bokuto right in front of him. "My man! That was amazinggggg!" Bokuto yelled. "You've got to show me how you get that much air in one jump! No... wait... you should show me how to get the ball to hit the floor as fast as you did!" Bokuto said excitedly. Kage looked over at Bokuto and he swears he can see rainbows in Bokuto's eyes. Kage just started laughing in amazement and Bokuto shares a confused look with Akaashi and the rest of the team before joining in. The boys calm down and Kage shouts, "Man, that felt so good! I haven't spiked a ball like that in two years!" "So, you feel like joining the team Kage?" Akaashi asked. "I'm all in!" Kage replied.

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