Chapter 3: The Problem

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"You did what!"
That would be Kage's mother getting ready to tear him a new one. "Mom, calm down...please?" Kage asked slightly hesitant. "Listen...honey I'm glad you made friends and all, but aren't you worried about you knee and ankle? And what do you expect me to do when something like that happens again?" "Mom I know you're worried but it's a great team I'm with and I promise I'll be careful." "I just worry for you. You know that." "I know and I love you so much!" Kage told his mother. Now that the problem was solved all he had to do was convince his Mom to let him got to the training camp next week. Easy right? "So, Mom... there is something I need your permission for." Kage told his Mom while rubbing the back of his hair. "Oh and what would that be?" Kage's Mom asked with a raised eyebrow. " see there is this- Ding dong! Who could that be? Kage wondered. "Kage, go get the door, honey." His Mom told him. "Umm...ok." Kage made his way towards the front door and opened it. There, in all his volleyball glory, stood Bokuto. "Sup, man!" Bokuto exclaimed. "Bokuto! W-what are you doing here? Actually how do you know where I live?" "I followed you home and waited about 30 minutes." "Ok. Wait you followed me home?!" "That's what I just said isn't it." Kage just shook his head and smiled. "What do you need, man?" " Akaashi didn't want to set for me. So, he told me to ask if you could set. So, can you set Kage?" Bokuto said with a puppy dog face. "I know a little but it won't be as good as Akaashi's sets." "Perfect come with m-" "Wait a minute. I have to tell my Mom." Kage said and stepped back inside the house. "Mom, my friend is here and I'm going to help him out." "Ok...don't be out too long." "I'll be back by dinner!" Kage yelled to his mother as he stepped out the door. Bokuto was already walking down the street. "Hey, man. Where are we even going?" Kage asked. "Back to the school gym. It's open after-hours for people that have clubs and I happen to have a key." Bokuto said smugly. "Nice" Kage answered back.
When they got to the gym, the lights were on but nobody was there. The two friends set up a net on the middle court and pulled out the basket that held the volleyballs. "Alright let's get this bus rolling!" Bokuto yelled. Kage went over to pick out a ball and heard Bokuto muttering to himself. "I'm going to spike this ball so hard. I'll show my underclassman just how awesome Kotaro Bokuto really is! Then I'll be the best ace in the world." Kage just shook his head and chuckled. Kage prepared himself to set as Bokuto went for a jump. When Bokuto went to slam his hand into the ball, all he hit was air. Wait what? The owl boy thought when he didn't hear the familiar wham! When he looked over the ball was on the floor. "Dude! I didn't even see you throw it!" Bokuto complained. "My bad I was too early." Kage apologized while rubbing the back of his head with a sheepish look on his face. "Try again. I'll hit it for sure this time!" The gray-haired boy said excitedly. Kage tossed the ball at the right moment this time but it was a little too high. Which caused Bokuto to tip the ball and let out a frustrated sigh. "Sorry man! I got it this time!" The white-haired boy yelled. Bokuto nodded at Kage and prepared to jump. Finally Bokuto could see the ball coming right at his palm and he grinned. Almost in slow motion he slammed the blue and yellow ball down onto the court. "Hey, hey, heyyy! I'm a beast!" Bokuto exclaimed. "Um, Bokuto, it's just us here but that was really cool." Kage said. Kage watched as the gray-haired boy deflated a little. The two boys went on and on like that for a couple hours. Finally, it was time to head home. The two friends picked up the gym, turned off the lights, and shut the door. "Wasn't I pretty cool tonight?"Bokuto asked Kage with wide eyes. "Yeah! You were pretty awesome." Kage could practically see Bokuto's confidence increase by tenfold. "Did you get permission to come to the training camp next week?" The owl boy asked. "Bokuto, I just joined the volleyball team. You'll have to give me some time to ask." "Oh yeah. It feels like I've known you forever, though." Kage chuckled and patted his friend on the shoulder. They arrived at Kage's house and exchanged numbers. Before he left, Bokuto stopped and looked at the white-haired boy. "Same time tomorrow? Although Akaashi and the rest of the team might join." "Sounds good to me." Kage replied. "See you tomorrow!" Bokuto said. "Same here" Kage waved the owl boy goodbye.
Kage got ready for school the next morning. He went into the kitchen to see his Mom making pancakes. "Good morning Mom!" Kage said. "Morning dear." The older woman replied. "I've got to ask you something Mom." "Go for it." "So, the volleyball team is going to a six day training camp next week. I was wondering if I could get your permission to go?" Kage said preparing himself for a lecture. "Sure as long as you're careful." "Cool...wait...really?" The white-haired boy asked surprised. "Yes honey. I did some thinking last night and came to the realization that you are old enough to make your own decisions. All I ask is that you keep yourself safe. Now go on you'll be late for school." Kage's mother told him. "Thank you! Love you and see you later!" Kage exclaimed as he ran out the door. Kage's mother just shook her head and smiled.

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