im so sick of myself~

37 3 8

(this was inspired by "your beautiful" in foahxbyler oneshots :))


will looked in the mirror and sighed. he had never really hated his body. just mildly disliked it, till recently. he began noticing little things about himself he'd like to change.

so he stood naked in front of the mirror, staring at every little imperfection on his otherwise perfect body. suddenly he felt someones hands around his waist. will had completely forgotten that his boyfriend was sitting on his bed, reading quietly."what are you looking at?" will sighed quietly. "nothing" he muttered. "it doesn't sound like nothing." mike turned will to face him. "are 

you sure your ok..?" "you can talk to me y'know..?" will nodded slowly. will slipped his hoodie and sweatpants back on and sat on the edge of his bed. mike sat beside him. "so you gonna tell me what's wrong..?" will sighed quietly. "i just uhm..." mike waited patiently. "i just...hate my body.." will said barely loud enough to hear..mike looked devastated. "will you're perfect..why?" will looked down. "i dont know..just..compared to you i feel ugly" mike looked at will with a serious look on his face. "you are of the most beautiful people i have met, your smile..sort of subtle and perfect and never knew how wonderful that smile could make someone feel..(IM SORRY IT JUST FELT PERFECT FOR THIS 😭), you're so kind and gentle to everyone, your hazel eyes could hypnotize someone, so big and're one the most amazing people i have met." will was on verge of tears again.

mike sighed. "what im trying to say is that your better than most and that you don't need to be self conscious because you are an amazing person.." that pushed him over edge. tears began streaming down his cheeks. "what happened?? did i say something wrong?" will said nothing, but hugged him tightly. mike hugged him tighter. "you're perfect.." mike whispered into wills ear. will smiled slightly. "y'know..if anything i'm ugly compared to you-" will chuckled a little. mike smiled sadly at him. will looked up at him. "you really think so..?" mike sighed and chuckled a little. "will how many time do i have to tell you.." "your so pretty it hurts.." will nestled his head into mikes shoulder. "ok.." mike kissed wills head. "you want me to keep complimenting you? because i can-" mike smiled evilly. will shook his head slightly. "n-no i'm ok..." mike snugged into will "whatever you say" mike and will fell asleep shortly after that.


will could feel the hot tears running down his cheeks as he stare at his sleeping boyfriend, hand latched onto his leg. will sniffed quietly. mike flipped over. will jumped a little at that. he began thinking about the nightmare he had just awoken from, as he did more tears beginning dripping down his cheeks. will tried to fall back asleep, not wanting to disturb mike. will snuggled back up to him, and buried his head in his chest, getting the front of mikes hoodie wet with his tears. mike smiled in his sleep. suddenly mike woke up as well, eyes drifting to the sleeping boy on his chest. mike smiled and kissed his head softly. then he realized that he was crying, you couldn't tell unless you were right next to him, like mike was. "will?" mike said sleepily.

will sniffed and looked up at him. his glassy eyes were glinting in the moonlight, his nose and cheeks red and puffy. he looked so vulnerable."yes..?" mike admired will for one more second before snapping out of his trance. "why are you crying.." will looked down. "it's..nothing" "will it's obviously not nothing if it's making you so upset" will sat up and pulled his knees to his chest. mike sat beside him. will fell silent. "please tell me what's wrong..i want to help you.." mike was genuinely concerned. "i..had a nightmare.."

mike nodded slowly. "about..?" will looked at him as his face flashed with terror. "it was him.." "it wasn't real're ok now.." mike cupped will face and kissed him softly. will smiled sadly. "yeah.." will lie back down and mike did the same. they lay facing each other, wills hazel eyes glinting in the moonlight. mike pulled him closer and will relaxed into his arms. will wrapped his arms around mike and hugged him tightly. mike did the same. they lay there for a moment before falling asleep, hoping this dream would never end..

(a/n: HI THERE- im almost done rewatching stranger things and watching will be depressed while mileven is vibing is gonna make me cry 😭. but anyways here's a chapter- it's fine idk, very inspired sooo.. anyway remember to drink water and ily! <3) -allie

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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