Leave me alone!

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Y/n pov : u went to the audition and saw Finn and u thought :Ugh cant he just leave me alone! Brooklynn ran up to you and told you how pretty u are u absolutely loved Brooklynn but then u decided to say hi to finn. Y/n: Hi!. Finn:What do you want?!. Y/n: Did i do something  wrong why do u treat me like shit?!.

Finn: Well its hard to be nice if u kiss my costar. Y/n:Oooh yea that wasnt me. Finn: What do you mean? Y/n: Well that was my bes- ex best friend. Finn: Im so sorry i thought that was u!.Y/n: It happens to everyone. Finn: If u dont mind me asking why is she ur  ex best friend? Y/n: Oh well when i was gonna audition i had to go here with my mom and they said ¨Why do you have to be selfish and do everything u want!¨. Finn: Wow thats toxic im so sorry that happend to you. Y/n: Its fine, bye the way who are you gonna audition for? Finn: Im gonna audition for Miles , you? Y/n: Im gonna audition for Sam. (Sam doesnt ecxist in the turning) Finn: Oh thats cool i hope you get the role. Y/n: I hope u get urs too. Then it was ur turn to audition u were kind of nervous but remebered Finn's words and it somehow made u calm down. Finn: U did great out there!. Y/n: Thanks u did too! Y/n: Hey  Finn? Finn: Yea? Y/n: Can we be friends? Finn: How about best friends? Y/n: Yea sure. U and finn talked for the rest of the day and had alot in common and then u guys walked back to Finn's room (in the hotel if u didnt know) Finn: Hey Y/n wanna sleepover? Y/n: Sure let me get some of my stuff. Finn:I'll come with u. and then u guys walk to ur room its across Finn's u get ur stuff and go to Finn's room. Finn: So what do u want to do? Y/n: Uhm how about we watch a movie? Finn: sure what do you think about  Halloween? Y/n: Sure i love horror movies! (Normally Y/n hates horror movies in other stories i read but this time she doesnt for the people who like horror movies i love them personally you?) Finn: Oh cool!  You guys hangout for the rest of the night and eventually u guys fall asleep on the couch.

Au note: Im sorry its short but i wanted to update and i found out my bf was using me and my boy best friend killed himself so thats why i havent been online im sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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