Chapter 16

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"See? It's a good place for sightseeing."

"The reason we're walking here is NOT for sightseeing, though."

"Hey, you got two birds with one stone. That isn't bad."

"Whatever... let's rest here."

I stopped at a small spot beside the road. We were now heading upward. Based on what Qorsen told us, there was a shooting range near the mountain, which meant we need to climb quite a long way to reach it.

I sat on the patch of dirt, while Emma remained standing beside me. While I'm a bit annoyed at having been brought up here against my free will, the view was indeed nice. As I enjoyed the view of the distant mountains and the rather small town below us, a small carriage raced down the mountain, heading straight at us. The carriage passed us, heading for Kalagai below.

But it soon stopped. It turned around and headed back for us.

"Good morning, are you Emma, by any chance?"

"Good morning. Yes, I am. Is something the matter?"

For some reason, he only asked about Emma. The man behind the wheel pulled the parking brakes, got off the carriage, and walked toward us. He gave us a salute, before continuing,

"Rahel has spoken highly about you. If you don't mind, could you come with me?"

With that, we skipped the rest of the walk and headed straight for the walls. Several knights stood at the entrance, saluting us as we entered the walls. This wall spans the entire continent, around 1002 km in total. The wall was a straight line from point to point. We were told that this wall, constructed to prevent any further demon incursions. The wall sported 2000 cannons on top of this wall, one each for every 500 meters. These cannons were probably where most of the budget went into.

"How does the map border work here?"

I whispered to Emma as the knight guided us toward a room.

"In total, it's around 15000 km from the northernmost to the southernmost point, with a width of roughly 1000 km. Tall mountains act as barriers to prevent people from going out of the map."

"But we have starships, couldn't people fly over those mountains?"

"Yes, but there's a height limit. The height limit is slightly higher than the mountains, at around 13000 km. There's an invisible barrier stopping you from flying higher, as well as barriers surrounding the entire world. You can't force yourself to go beyond these barriers."

"That feels lazy, to be honest. Earth is a lot larger compared to this, and that universe is practically limitless."

"Do you have magic there? Special abilities? Besides, maintaining earth is a pain in the ass, my Masters vouch on never making another universe like that ever again."

"I guess... but why only 1000 km? A 15 to 1 ratio doesn't look proportionate."

"My masters didn't want to make the world too small, so they settled on 15000 km, but I think after looking at a design, they realized 15000 km is too long and decided to limit the width instead. It does make it easier in the war against the demon's army though, as the front lines are a lot shorter."

"1000 km is still very long though. Logistics must be a nightmare."

As I said that, the knight signaled us to stop.

"Please wait for a moment."

He said. An alarm rang through the long corridor, followed by some thunderous sound and immense vibrations. The corridor shook, the sound of a train screeching right above us. After around 5 seconds, the sound and vibration subsided.

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