Part 3: Bones and Blood in Raamu's House?

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Raamu spent these few months in teaching and his life was going smoothly.
He had already forgotten about the story of Rongani Devi, which was told to him by his friend, Harilal when he was invited for dinner by Harilal.

One day, Prakash said to Raamu -

"Saheb, Harilal ji has come to the area near our house for some work.
"Should I invite him over for lunch?"
"The school has a picnic today."
"We would have been there if you would've agreed for us to go along".

"We didn't go because I have some work to do. And yes, don't forget to invite him over for lunch."

"Ji Saheb".

Later, in the afternoon, Prakash invited Harilal to come to their house for lunch.
He agreed.
Raamu heartily welcomed Harilal.
On the entering the house, Harilal seemed to have a "shocked" look on his face.
On looking at his expressions, Raamu was confused.

He asked Harilal-
"What's wrong, my friend?"
"You didn't like my house?"
"Well, I know it's old, but I did not have any other choice back then."
"Even though it's old, it is still strong."
"See, no cracks anywhere."

Harilal said "Everything is fine, but, is this YOUR house?

Raamu laughed at his silly question and said "Of course it is my house. Why would I be living in here then if it's not my house?"

"Right. But, did anybody sell this house to you or......?"

"Well, this was my friend's old house were him and his family used to live earlier.
"But, now he lives in Delhi with his family.
"He heard that I'm shifting here for my job so he gave me his house to live."

"Oh. I see. Well, does your friend belong to a Pandit family?"

"I'm not sure, but, I think he does. But why are you asking all this?"

"HE DOES!??"
I'm asking all this because the family who lived here earlier, was the Pandit family who used to take care of Rongani Devi's temple which is situated in the jungle/forest."

"I don't think he belongs to THAT family".
"I'm not sure, but, I'll ask him later."
"Who cares though?" "It was just the Pandit family of that temple living here."
"It was not Rongani Devi living here right?"

Raamu laughed it out and changed the topic.
After lunch, Harilal went back to his house and Raamu carried on with his work.

After some time, Raamu and Prakash left for school as Raamu had some work.

Later, in the evening, Raamu called Prakash in the staff room and said "I think we should get going. It's getting dark."

"Sure Saheb. Let's go home."

Both of them left for home.
On reaching, Prakash opened the door and saw some bones and blood on the floor.
He was shocked.
He looked around for his Saheb.
Raamu was standing outside the house, talking to someone.
Prakash quickly called Raamu in a worried and a scared tone.

Raamu went inside the house as soon as he heard Prakash calling him.
He asked "What's wrong Prakash? Why are you-"

"Saheb, look, th-there's th-these b-b-bones and b-bl-blood on the floor.

"Oh my god! How did all this get in?"
"The door was locked."
"The windows were shut, so how?????"
"And we don't even have a backdoor in this house."

To be continued.......

Thank you so much for reading. Will post the next part soon❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Rongani Devi: Sacred Or Mortal Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ