Chapter Eighteen: New Dawn

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Frigid night wind flew by Ansel's ears as he raced toward New Dawn at breakneck speed. A crescent moon surrounded by bright stars lit the sky, providing him with moonlight while he galloped over the grassy flatland. He peered over his shoulder while he rode along, back toward where the Aslians were sitting on the edge of the mushroom forest - awaiting his return with Zeer and the others. Anxiety and panic awakened in his mind but he focused his eyes ahead and calmed his breathing. You can do this.

He reached up to his face, took off the Shroomveil, and put it in one of the black cloak's pockets for later. In the distance, he could see smoke rising from the many chimneys within New Dawn. The town stayed alive through the night since Prince Dayne, Celibrik, and his legion of Crimson Guards had arrived. I'm sure the prince is a great guest to have, he thought wryly. He'll have commanded the Crimson Guards to be on high alert tonight. He knows we can't be far.

The stone wall that surrounded New Dawn was bigger than he thought; it rose high above him, torches spaced along the top outer rim to light the ground beneath so the guards could see. Not far from him was a small patch of wall where two torches had stopped burning, providing him a cover of darkness. He grinned and aimed his horse toward the area. The stone wall wasn't higher than anything he'd climbed back in Reven. But he couldn't push down the feeling of anxiety that rose within him. The last time he climbed something this big for a job this important, he'd been framed for murdering the queen and his life had been ruined. He was the reason his Foundling comrades were dead, he'd failed them. But he wouldn't fail Zeer, Reed, and the men from Building 49. This time, he would accomplish the mission he set out to do.

He scanned along the rim of the stone wall, mentally noting a few Crimson Guards that might be in view to catch him while he climbed. Pulling up against the side, he hopped off the horse, donned his hood, and checked to make sure the black blade Keill had given him was easily accessible. If he was caught here, he would land in the hands of the prince, and Zeer and the others would likely die.

He shoved those thoughts to the side and looked around him for a place to tie his horse's reins, but couldn't find anything useful. Everything nearby was grassy flatlands and a rough stone wall. He looked at his mare and put his hand on her muzzle.

"Please stay here. I know you have no idea what I'm saying, but you might be my only ticket out of here," Ansel whispered while he caressed the mare's muzzle.

The brown and black horse stamped in place, neighing. He walked along the side of the horse and rubbed her flank until she calmed. If all plans failed, he would need to rush back here and escape or be captured. Again. The thought of being a prisoner again weighed heavy on his soul, he couldn't let that happen again. He'd die before that happened.

"So you'll wait here?" he asked. The horse turned her head so her big brown eye stared right into his and just stayed there, staring him down.

"I'll take that as a yes then," Ansel whispered under his breath. He turned to face the stone wall. Putting his hand against it, he felt the smooth ridges between each of the stones that lay on each other. There's just enough space to get a firm grip. I can do this.

Ansel slowly scaled up the stone wall, finding each hand and foothold one at a time. His hands hurt from the strain but kept finding ridges to grip. He climbed higher and higher with grueling effort. After only a few moments, sweat dripped down his forehead and back from the effort. His forearms got tighter by the second; he knew they'd be sore the next day. But that was a small price to pay. Every few minutes he'd stop and listen to hear if any Crimson Guards noticed him, but no sound came. Exhaustion crept into his tired muscles but his teeth gritted with determination while he continued upward.

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