Chapter 19

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Hey guys, enjoy.. 😌
Hope u guys like it
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Thanks for reading, also thanks for all the votes I appreciate it 😌👌☺️💕💕
Aya xx
Chapter 19


"That's the one we are after" Jordan chuckles evilly ....

"Well let's think of a plan then" Derek said blankly

"I still think we should kidnap Dylan" Jordan chuckles deeply

"Really that's the stupidest plan I have ever heard" I give him the blank face

"Do u have a better idea miss know it all" he askes me while looking straight at me

"Yeah .....ummm.... Fine no, but Dylan doesn't know much" I say

"I don't really care I just want someone to bash" he evilly chuckles

"Wtf are you dumb you kidnap some one for to reason, and they have nothing to do with this" I practically yell, before I knew it my back was against the wall

"B*tch don't tell me what to do, don't even yell at me, I'm the Alfa not you" he grips on my hips so hard I could feel the busies forming, then he started to dig in his nails, I could feel a warm substance running down from where he had his nail

"What the f*ck man take your hands of her" Justin yells at him while coming closer to us

"Look who decided to talk, the human" he chuckles

"Yeah the human, now take your hands of her" he says though his teeth

"Okay okay fine" he slowly takes his hands off me and puts it up in defence then starts walking towards Justin and punches him in the jaw, then Justin punches back, then all I see is Justin on the floor and Jordan on top of him beating the crap out of Justin

"STOPPP" I yell trying to pull Jordan off Justin, but he doesn't stop

"BRENT, TYLER, DEREK HELP ME" I yelled at them while still trying to pull him off Justin

"Please stop Jordan" I say on the edge of crying

"Fine" he gets up looks at me then walks out of the room, and the boys follow him out, I knell down to Justin which was on the floor,

"Justin" I cried when I saw his face full of scares

"Babe I'm okay, don't worry" he says trying to hide the pain he was in, I know he was in a lot of pain, I could tell by his eyes, he groaned while trying to get up

"It's all my fault" I cried, trying to get him up, he got up and I got him to lean on me while we got to the car, he was limping all the way and every step he would groan in pain, once we got in the car,

"I'm taking you to the hospital" I say while starting the car

"No, please I hate hospital, it's not that major issue, there only some buries and cuts that are not even deep" he begs

"Fine" i breath out then I drive home, once we reach there, I help Justin get out, and walk in the house, I took him to the couch

"Wait here I'll go get the first aid" I say then I run and take it out of the cabinet, I walked back to where he was sitting and I pop next to him, and start cleaning his face then bandaging it

"Take off your shirt" I blush,

"I know you love my body" he winks then smirks, and pulls off his shirt

Werewolf (Justin Bieber fan fiction love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora