Chapter 15

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This chapter is pretty short, but I hope u like it
Aya xx

Chapter 15


"Hey guys I had a dream yesterday before the party when I was Dylan helping with the party" I said

"Tell us the whole dream" they all turned and looked at me, I told them the whole dream,

"Dylan knows something,I think we should kidnap him" Derek says while getting up

"What, no!!" I yelled while getting up and putting my hands up in defence

"You have no words in this Aya"he said in a angry voice

"I'm part of this group remember" I said loud

"Whatever" Derek said

"Guys shut up, what do you want us to do, do you have another plan" Jordan said while looking at me waiting for a answer

"Yes" I choked out

"What is it tell us" Jordan said

"Are you seriously gonna trust her with a plan" Derek said in a pissed voice

"Shut up Derek Lets see what she has in mind" Jordan said to Derek

"Well I kind of have date with him" I began

"No that is so dangerous you can't go" Tyler interrupted

"Tyler is right you can't go" Brent said very caring

"Trust me I can handle this, I can get so close to him" I said

"Fine I think it's good idea, I think we should go with that plan, and if it doesn't work, we should go with the other plan which is kidnaping him" he chuckled,

"And if you mess this up see what I will do to you" he winked

"Ew, can I go now" I said pissed

"Yeah, when's the date" Brent asked

"I don't know yet" I answered while taking my purse, phone and key

"Okay, bye" they all said

"Bye" I mumbled while walking out of the warehouse, and the sun was setting, I walked to my car, unlocked it and got it, then I breathed out, 'what the hell is happening to me' I whispered to myself, I started the engine and drove of to a place to clear my mind off


Selena walked out of the toilet, and I was on my phone texting Chaz my friend

"Who are u texting" Selena asked

"Non of your Business" I spat

"I bet your texting that bitch" she groaned

"Selena stop acting like that and I'm not even texting her" I growled

"Whatever" she scoffed

"I'm going out I'll be back later" I said while getting my wallet phone and key

"Whatever" she yawned
I walked out the house and hoped in my car and drove off to a place I can think for a while


I drove of to the beach, somewhere I can relax, I parked my car and and walked onto the sand, and sat there watching the waves and feeling the lovely breeze, I love coming here it gets me to forget about everything,

"Aya" I heard someone say in a confused voice, I looked behind me and saw Justin

"Hey"I mumbled, and looked back at the water

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