The Boy Who Cried Pirate

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(3rd Person Pov)


"Huh? That's.." Zoro turned to see the person making all the noise.

"Ah! That's the captain!" Nami exclaimed as Usopp ran past them.

"Wasn't Luffy with him?" Sais the light blue haired boy. "Is he still mad at the butler for looking down on his dad?" The Navigator questioned.

"Who knows." Zoro replied.

"No! His expression is different!" Ninjin yelled. "Something must have happened at the shore!" Piiman concluded. "He's panicking what happened?" Tamanegi added.

"..Hey kids, how do I get to the shore?" Zoro quickly understood the situation.

"I think something big has happened!"

"Right! That hypnotist went that way too a while ago!"

"Usopp Pirate Group is moving!!"

"..Are you guys done? How do I get there?" Zoro sweated.

With Usopp

"Bad news!! Bad news..!! Pirates are coming!!" Usopp screamed outside of the houses.

"Pirates are going to attack this village tomorrow morning!! Everyone evacuate!!"

"Damn! It's that big fat liar!" One of the bystanders glared at him.

"It's the second time today!" A woman questioned. "Just ignore him, pirates won't come!" Her husband argued.

"Hey Usopp, shut your mouth! We'll teach you a lesson today!" The villagers got out from their houses armed.

"No.. it's the truth this time!" Usopp insisted.

"You say the same thing everytime! You're taking advantage of our trust!"

"I know I joked around before! But this time its the truth believe me!" Usopp tried convincing them.

"If you were an honest man like Kurahador, then maybe I'd believe you!"

'That bastard..!' Usopp reminded of his conversation earlier.

"PLEASE BELIEVE ME JUST THIS ONCE RUN AWAY! Pirates will really be here tomorrow!!!" Usopp yelled.

"Only an idiot would believe you! We're not going to fall for that crap again!!" The crowd ran at Usopp.

"But this time its for real!" Usopp ran.

"That bastard! He runs so fast!!"


"Oh... my God!!!" Ninjin exclaimed. "They're going to kill Kaya-san?" Piiman panicked.

"The village is gonna be attacked?!? Is that true straw hat niichan!?" The other one said.

"Yep, that's what the guy said there's no doubt about it." Luffy crossed his arms.

"Oh yeah, why we're you sleeping over there anyways?" Zoro asked Luffy. "Hmmm.. I remember I was on top of the cliff.."

"That bastard butler was a bad guy!"

"No wonder he gave me the creeps!"

"And that hypnotist was a fake as well!"

"So that's why your captain.. ran to the village in such a hurry to warn them!" Nami smiled.

"Well that's good, you guys are the first to know you should escape while you can it'll be too late when the pirates get here!" Nami warned the kids.

"Yeah then we should run away!" Ninjin exclaimed. "Yes! Pack up our important stuffs!" Piiman agreed.

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