Hero Killer:Stain

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The afternoon patrol with Manual was better than he thought it would be.

While dealing with a house fire, he pulled civilians away with his scarf with Iida's help. Both of them got the civilians away while Manual helped the firemen control the water to a certain spot where the fire burned the brightest.

It felt more involved than the morning hours that they spent learning and dealing with legal paperwork that pro heroes and their teams deal with almost daily. From damages from friendly fire and actual villain tactics. And other things like public relation teams reaching out to have him be sponsored by their product or have him do a commercial.

His favorite time was spent listening in on calls that the workers got daily whether it be professional or the times they got a call from a civilian complaining about something out of their control.

"Nice work. Let's keep it up. We have more areas to check out on our way," Manual encouraged after talking with the firefighters.

After that, they continued to walk with the pro hero on the patrol route.

"So, you memorized his patrol routes, correct?" Iida lowered his voice to ask as they both walked.

"I have. I assume you have a good inkling as well," he whispered to his friend. "But remember, we can't do anything on the clock."

Iida nodded at his words. "I thought you were trying to stop me."

"At this point, I'm ready for anything. If I were Shoto, this currently wouldn't be the conversation. He would just try to stop you. However I am ready for any move you make," Izuku explained, keeping his voice so low it could barely be heard over the crowd of people on the street they were patrolling. "If you choose to not proceed, I will do my best to take down Stain in another way by giving information to heroes and police. If you choose to face him down, I will follow after you and help you fight against him. Either way, Stain will be taken down one way or another."

"I feel like you changed your mind a lot."

"The human mind is always changing and growing. It doesn't really stop developing until we're at the age of 25," Izuku said like he was presenting a simple fun fact.

Iida shook his head fondly before rushing forward when Manual ordered them. Manual shouted that it was because of a robbery from a corner store happening really close by.

By the time, they had finished up. Izuku was already talking to the owner of the store to comfort them while Manual thrusted the thugs into the police officer's arms.

The sky was painted with orange in no time at all with the small crimes they were taking care of. Manual was already saying something about returning early until a group of screams penetrated the air.

His attention was immediately drawn towards it as inhuman screeches filled the space around them. The screeches sounded vaguely familiar.

"I know that weird scream," Izuku mumbled while Iida tensed at his words. He glanced towards his friend who was hurriedly looking around the area to see where the source was.

And the answer came when one monstrous face turned the corner, making them look up at a group of nomus menacingly dredging down the street.

"Dammit," Manual murmured under his breath.

"What are those things?"

"Nomus. Why the hell are Nomus here?" Izuku asked, gesturing with his hand over to the tall creatures wandering around, people screeching when they step too close to them.

"You two with me," Manual ordered loudly. Iida and Izuku looked at each other before following after the pro hero running towards the danger. "We need to take out the Nomus on this street before doing anything else."

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