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From Izuku's hospital bed, all he could see while scrolling through his highlights of the day was Stain's speech. Someone had recorded Stain's rundown before he was arrested and paired it with Stain's life.

It started with Stain's backstory of his school life, how he got rejected from hero school and summarized his vigilante actions starting with petty crime to the pro hero killings. It ended with his speech followed by a narrator reading out his ideals and motives.

And it resulted in a very viral video that news outlets were reporting on. And Izuku can't lie the creator did some nice editing with footage they scrambled together.

Izuku watched with a blank face as everyone either praised or demeaned the hero killer. A figurehead or the beginning of a new wave of villainy.

And the hospital food was not helping to distract him even though the chicken was grilled to perfection with a nice size of rice to the side. He hoped he would get more fruit, but the meal was filling.

Shoto flicked through the television channels and passed right by any news channel that even had a mention of the hero killer. Whether it be a graphic or words at the bottom, it was immediately passed over. The bandage in his face started lifting up at the edges from how much he was moving his face.

There were bandages wrapped over Shoto's chest where Stain had stabbed him that were similar to the ones that Iida had on his arm.

Iida was quiet as he watched the television screen when Shoto finally settled on the cooking channel where people were making illusion cakes to resemble some famous story from literature of their choosing.

Izuku got off lucky with the scrapes and slices from Stain's blades except for when it was almost infected because of an interning nurse student messing up a bit when cleaning out his wounds.

After their lunch trays were taken away, the door swung open so fast it bounced against the wall with a loud bang. Iida's mother's glasses were crooked as she rushed into the room to head straight over to her youngest son.

As Iida's mother immediately smothered him, Shoto's family rushed in with his mother in the lead with Touya right behind her. Natsuo was right after them with Fuyumi at the very end.

"I can't believe both of my sons are in the hospital," Iida's mother fretted over his friend. Iida's face was smooshed from her hands inspecting his face. "Both of you are going to worry me to death."

"Sorry, mom," Iida replied but it sounded more like 'thorry, mon'. His mother flicked his forehead in retaliation then kissed the spot which made his friend smile.

While Rei and Fuyumi were fretting over Shoto, Natsuo began asking about what to fill up a thank you basket with. Izuku laughed when Touya started to push Natsuo's grinning face back from Shoto who was listing all sorts of snacks and peanut butter treats for the police chief.

Izuku felt his father's presence before he saw him at the foot of his bed. "Hello, my son." Nedzu's eyes twinkle with mischief. "I'm assuming that you don't need any help hiding something from the masses given the fact that the hero killer is in custody."

"I'm afraid not, Papa," Izuku replied, holding out his hand to grab onto his father's paw.

"I see," Nedzu said while gazing at the bandages around his arms. Nedzu looked away to watch Iida and Shoto and the placement of their bandages. "Are all of you alright?"

"I'm fine, Papa," Izuku replied.

"It looks worse than it does," Iida answered from his bed with one of his hands in his mother's as she wiped away her tears with a tissue.

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