Happy Birthday, Izuku!

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Nedzu was feeling sentimental.

Who could blame him?

It had been a whole year since he adopted Izuku into his life and accepted his role as a parent to a human baby. Well more like ten months technically since he found him when he was only two months old.

Nedzu started having all sorts of feelings. He even began a video album made of surveillance tapes! With every day, he can't imagine what his life would have been like without his little Izuku. His life has gotten more tiring, yet all the happier. He used to live a life of being a captive experiment from humans to break out and form a life for himself. But afterward, his life just felt empty and boring. The only upside was him being able to be the principal for UA, and even then he was still criticized for slipping up.

But when Izuku came into his life, he started to see the bright side of things. The overall gray world made of black and white grew into color each and every day when he saw his baby smile. The hatred he felt all his life lessened when he heard Izuku laugh.

That's why he didn't really want to see him grow old, but he knew it was a part of life. Hell, even Izuku's honorary aunt and uncles were going to graduate eventually.

But instead of trying to hold back Izuku from growing up, like the humans used to do to him, he wanted to see him grow. He wanted to see Izuku become his own person, no matter if he wants to be a hero or not.

But right now, he has a birthday party to plan for Friday. The guests needed the time to buy Izuku's gifts. It will be interesting to see what they will gift him.

"Now Izuku, we have to wait for the perfect temperature of the tea," Nedzu explained to the curious almost one year old holding his teacup of imaginary tea. Nedzu wasn't about to have Izuku spill any tea in his clothes!

"Teeee," Izuku drawled as he held onto his cup with both hands, staring intensely into the bottom of the cup.

"Yes, and then we sip." Nedzu finished off with an exaggerated sip to his tea. Izuku followed suit with a replicated loud slurp to his empty cup. He giggled and Nedzu smiled softly at the cheerful child.

'I wouldn't trade my life as a father for anything.'


"What the heck do we get, Izuku?" Hizashi said as he walked through the mall with his group.

Tensei had Tenya riding in his shoulder while Nemuri and Aizawa were constantly in watch with the shop windows. They were looking for something that Nedzu hadn't bought him at all. Which was so hard since Nedzu spoiled him a lot with all sorts of toys.

"The best choice would be something a little more sentimental than just a cool plushie that we can buy anywhere. We have to deep dive into something that Izuku would like with a personal touch from us." Aizawa explained looking around for anything that would be good for Izuku.
Nemuri eyes brightened when her eyes locked in a certain shop, "I got it! I can make my own stuffed animal!"

She took off and the other followed her inside the Build-A-Bear. Nemuri picked a white fluffy bear and a white mouse plush. She asked a worker to try to combine the two skins into one plush. They agreed to meet her back at the end of the shopping trip since the custom order will take a while.
Hizashi headed down the hall and spotted something in the window of an antique thrift shop. He ran straight inside, leaving his other two friends to follow him inside. There he was already asking the worker behind the register for the music box in the window. The worker agreed and got it down from the display.

"I used to love a little music box when I was little, so I want Izuku to have the same comfort I had when I was young," Hizashi explained while the worker retrieved the music box from its spot.

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