Chapter Thirty-Four

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Crista's POV

"So, do you mind telling us the whole story of Crista Sorrento?" Chase asked.

It was the next morning and we decided to have breakfast out on the fields, just us four. We were all pooped after having to monitor the dance and stuff so we figured we deserved to have some time on our own. A lot happened last night, though. Marissa and Chase got together, Jack came out of the closet (Zeus bless his soul), and Nico and I settled that past thingy.

"It's a long story," I said as I let out a sigh.

"Oh come on," Marissa complained. "You might as well tell us already or I swear you will never hear the end of it."

"Unless I see the end of you," I teased. The two rolled their eyes. "Alright, fine."

"This is gonna be good," Nico said.

"You don't know either?" Chase asked, raising a brow.

"I didn't even know she was a demigod back when I met her at the Casino."

"Yeah well you guys don't know a lot about me," I said then began my story. "When I was born, my dad knew what I was and what mom was. He was terrified so he gave me away to an orphanage at some point in my childhood. That's where I met Cupcake. He was the head's pet and all the other kids were scared of him so we stuck together. Plus, they also seemed to stay away from me. I'll never know why."

"Whoa, hold on a sec," Marissa interrupted. "You're saying that you, I mean, baby you hung out with that monster?!"

"Well... yeah," I said. They all just stared at me with disbelief. I shrugged it off. "Anyways, one day, the orphanage got burned down and I got caught in it but somehow, I survived, but barely. So my mom took me up to Olympus, got me treated, and I was given the powers of all the major gods."

"Why?" Chase asked. "I mean, they wouldn't care much for one less demigod, no offense, and there was this rule about not interacting with your kid or something."

"Dude, ask them," I said. "The only answers I could formulate in my mind was that I was either involved in some future prophecy or something or that they just took pity on me. But I didn't question it. If not for these powers, I'd be dead by now."

"Oh, what would the world be like without Crista Sorrento," Marissa teased and I rolled my eyes.

"As I was saying, after I was sent back here on Earth, I went to the Casino where I met Nico and his sister. I stayed there for a while then one day, they got dragged out by some dude. I followed them out but they were already gone so I moved to Manhattan. That's where I ran into the diva called Marissa."

"So when you were saying you were leaving to visit some relatives..." Marissa muttered.

"Yup, I was talking about camp. Then I met Chase and the almighty six, then that monster horde attacked then I went blind then Nico said, blah blah blah and now here I am."

"That wasn't too long," Chase said.

"Try living it yourself," I said. "At some point, you'll consider suicide."

"It seems like it," Marissa said, laughing. "But hey, you're still alive so that's a thing."

"A very dangerous thing," Nico said, letting out a sigh. "Who knows when you'll decide to go berserk again and go permanently blind."

"I might actually kill myself this time," I teased and he glared at me.

"I lost you once, I'm not losing you again," he said nonchalantly, looking away.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

Oh crap. I'm blushing. For the millionth time.


"Well, the likeliness of that happening is pretty low, considering Crista already scared the crap outta those monsters," Chase mentioned. "If that ever happens again and another horde attacks, we'll just have to tie Crista with a leash and lock her up somewhere."

"I dare you to try," I said, glaring at him. He just rolled his eyes at me. The nerve of him!

"You know, it's really hard to imagine a world where Crista's nice and smiles all the time and doesn't threaten people's lives," Marissa said. "What kind of world would that be?"

"Crista was actually a pretty happy kid," Nico said, shrugging his shoulders. "She smiled all the time and we used to fight over figurines back at the Casino."

"Oh gods no," I muttered.

"And I remember, that day before we got dragged away-"


"We were going to have breakfast together and she wore this cute little red dress and doll shoes and-"

"NOOOO!!!" I yelled, rushing to cover his mouth.

"SHE WORE A DRESS?!" Chase and Marissa yelled, practically losing their shizznits. Nico pulled my hand away and held it down.

"Yup, she looked pretty cute in it too," he said. I groaned in agony.

"Okay, seriously," Marissa said, trying to calm herself down. "You have to wear dresses more often and not this emo chic style thing you have going on."

"Ex-cuh-use me?" I gasped, pretending to be hurt. "I'm going for comfortable, not "emo chic" okay?"

"Yeah well you look hot in it and all but come on, I wanna see you in a cute little dress at least once!" she complained.

"Yeah well too bad. Those dresses were from when I was still a kid. I threw them away," I said, crossing my arms. "There's no way in hell you can make me wear a dress again OR be that kid from the past. I was a vulnerable wimp back then, I'm not going back."

"You were happier back then," Nico said, looking at me. I looked down and sighed.

"I guess things just took a toll on me," I muttered. "Look, I know I changed a lot, and not for the better but..."

"Hey, it's fine," Marissa said, smiling. "I never really knew the other Crista to say you changed into a horrible person. Plus, the Crista right now is pretty cool and badass."

"And you're not the only one who changed," Nico followed.

"Nah," I said. "You turned out pretty nice."






"Ooooh, Crista, was that a confession?" Chase asked and I slapped my palm to my forehead. One way or another, I keep making a fool of myself. Dammit, I give up.


Hey, sorry this one took a while but I hope you enjoyed it anyways. I know it's short and all hehe but I'll try to make the next ones longer!

Enjoy your day!!


Trying to Remember (A Percy Jackson Fan Fiction[Nico di Angelo])Where stories live. Discover now