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Knock Knock Knock

As he was getting ready for the day Father Orsi heard a knock on the main doors of the church.

Putting the last two logs in the fireplace he rushed over.

It could be an injured person or maybe a new applicant for the position of a sister either way he couldn't keep them waiting.

Arriving at the door he calmed down for a second and grabbed the handle.

Putting on his best smile he opened the door but to his surprise no one was there.

Shaking his head Or so let out a sigh "Was, it just one of the villagers kids playing a prank?"

Looking around for a few more seconds just to make sure and still seeing no one he started closing the door.

But just as the door was almost closed he heard a small cry from below.

Shooting the door open he looked down only to see two small baby caskets laying there.

Quickly picking them up he brought them inside not even bothering to close the door.

Putting them down on the nearest table he opened the caskets.

Looking at them it was obvious that they couldn't be older than a few weeks.

One of them had jet-black hair and jade-like green eyes. Most interesting though was a small pendant around his neck that looked like a bird or raven.

The other one had snow white hair and sapphire blue eyes. He had a small ring on a string around his neck that looked like a circle with 9 ornate symbols carved into it..

But that didn't bother Orsi right now all he was thinking about was how there were gonna be more mouths to feed.

"Well its better than letting them die in the cold."


Yawing I woke up, having had the same dream again, me sitting at the end of an almost endless table with at least a few hundred 'people' staring at me, almost expecting or maybe judging.

Rubbing my eyes, I said "Well whatever, It's just a dream."

Sitting up I stretched my arms only to see Yuno looming over me with a disapproving look. 

Glaring at him I pestered him "What got your tits in a bind?"

Without even replying he grabbed my ear and ripped me out of bed.

"Wh-" not giving me time to speak he started to drag me across the floor.

Slapping his hand I yelled "Ow ow that hurts stop!" at him.

But, despite my protest he kept dragging me until we were outside.

Letting go of my ear he let me drop onto the dirt road, and shook his hand in such a way that said 'I can't believe O had to touch you!'

Standing up I rubbed my ear and stared him down "What was that for you dick?"

Looking at me Yuno's face contorted and he practically yelled "You were supposed to be up an hour ago, but no, I had to do your chores because you're too lazy to get up on time!"

I gave him a questiong glance before his words clicked with me and I struck my own palm.

"Well I di-" just as I was about to reply to him I felt a hand land on my head.

Turning around I saw father Orsi with that same kind smile he always had.

Turning around I asked him "What's up?"

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