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Looking back at Yuno I asked "What?"

He just looked at me for a few seconds before turning to the man in the ground and saying "What do you mean what? You just killed a man!"

Looking back at the man's body I responded "He's not dead... at least I'm pretty sure. And even if so he deserved it."

Though looking at him, it was pretty easy to tell he definitely wasn't in the best condition so I decided to check.

Walking over with Yuno I crouched down and put my hand on his neck only to feel a pulse.

Turning to Yuno, who was still resting on my shoulder said "Yeah he's alive, he has a pulse."

Yuno looking right back at me questioned "That's good, I guess, but how are you so calm in this situation?"

Thinking about his question I could only come up with one answer "Well he hurt you, and your my brother, we stick out for each other no matter the consequences."

He smiled and let out a cough "Thanks, but right now I would really appreciate it if you could get me to Sister Lily."

Nodding my head I began to walk off to the church with him.


"It's really been 3 months, since the grimoire selection huh."

Yuno turned towards me and said "Yeah" in his normal dull voice.

During that time Yuno mainly focused on his grimoire and the spells inside.

At the end of the 3 months it got to the point he could execute a few of the spells perfectly.

Though unlike him I only still had access to one of my spells, one that I couldn't even control as it was more passive in nature.

So I ignored it and instead focused just on my pure mana control.

I did this by making crude sculptures, swords, small items out of ice, and something similar to the layer of ice armor I had done during the fight with the chain mge.

By the end of the training I was proud of the fact that I could make things like nice looking swords, and a pretty decent armor.

I also practiced a rudimentary swordmanship that I had been learning from an ex soldier for the last few years.

I was pretty good if I do say so myself, while I wasn't an expert by any means I could do all the basics and even some more complicated moves, like half-swording and reverse grip blocks, with great efficiency.

Though looking back on the training it wasn't that bad.


"Yes sir!"

Standing up I looked at Jameson, said ex soldier.

Picking up my wooden sword I took a basic tail guard stance and locked eyes with him.

Both of our expressions hardened and soon Jameson rushed at me, throwing an overhead slash, aiming for my left shoulder.

Shifting my weight to my left leg I took a step back, dodging the swing before rushing in and ramming him with my shoulder.


Jameson let out a groan and stumbled back, but I didn't relent quickly throwing a swing at him leg causing him to fall over.

"Huuuh." Next thing I stopped on his wrist, causing him to let go of his sword, I then brought down my sword and stopped just before his neck.

Jameson looked up at me with surprise, but soon a smirk invaded his face as he said "Good, really good. You might be better than I was in my prime."

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