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They hated each other with a passion, till it was replaced with a burning passion. "Fuck t-tophia easy"! Nova yelled his ass hurting as tophia pegged him and gripped the leather leash in her hands pulling novas head back to face her, "what's the magic word"? She asked looking into his lustful eyes. "M-mommy please"! He said pretending she was a minor, "good boy, good boy". She said before pushing his head into the pillows and ramming into him harder as he grabbed the sheets screaming and crying. "Your doing so well for mommy". Tophia praised her curly hair falling over her darkened eyes. "Your such a slut you know"? "Look at you pleading and crying you shouldn't have been a brat". Nova had tears stream down his face as he threw his head back in pure ecstasy. His hips stuttered and the white liquid came pouring on the tophia. "Good job I think you deserve a treat". Tophia says as she pulls nova to her lips and kisses him. "Mommy please". He begged as she slowly slapped his ass.

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