Chapter 4 - Wrath of Spring

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Darkness cloaked the night sky, the meeting in the dining hall would start soon. The two were to leave and begin their business soon. Leo's gaze remained ensnared by the doppelganger; some semblance of relief washed over him as fear once did. His life was no longer at risk, for what that was worth. One issue sorted itself out and the doppelganger would mete out the second. She looked to make her way towards the door. Leo was caught off guard with her trying to leave so soon and sought to stop her. He ran towards the door and barred her way.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

Leo knew full well she could make quick work of him, so he wasted no time explaining the issue. "You're going out there without covering up?"

She raised an eyebrow. "I don't see the problem here."

Oblivious was the sword woman before him. Considering she was hardly human, Leo thought it possible that she felt her current state was not worth addressing.  "A-Are you sure that that's how you want to go into battle?"

"Why are you so insistent on how I look? It changes nothing."

"I get that you don't need to wear anything when you go out there, or at least I'm sure you don't, but it just isn't right!"

Leo refused to stare at her naked body. The sword woman grew frustrated, but nonetheless gave his words some thought. She sheathed the sword and set it on the bed. "It would probably be wise to wrap something around me. If I'm going to avenge my master while wearing her face, I would do well to not bring shame upon her fighting like this."

Leo was relieved to hear her speak sense. He proceeded into Bacchus' dresser and rummaged through, searching for suitable clothes for her. She was a couple inches taller than the axe wielder at six feet and three inches, but whatever he could find would cover her up just fine. He'd prefer she not wear rogue attire, but it was all he could find. He carried the folded clothes to her and was greeted to another surprise. She was covered, to say the least. The sword woman herself took advantage of the bandages within the medical kit. The upper and lower body were wrapped tightly and properly covered. The bundle of bandages was fashioned like under clothes, yet she moved comfortably.

"Is that it?" Leo asked.

"This will do. I'll be damned if I wear her killer's clothes."

"So be it." He tossed the clothes to the side. The two exited the room, the air relaxing the young man after his heated encounter. On the right side of the bottom of the wall, the two spotted horse stalls, the horses at peace not knowing of the coming havoc. The sword woman frowned. "Do you not like horses?" Leo wondered.

"It's not that, I just forgot about them." She held her chin.

"Okay? It is a big fortress. This place has a lot of horses trained for the rogues."

She ignored him. She recognized that she had an extra job to do tonight. It would be a practice in mercy. What she needed this minute was a tool to get the job done properly, and she had one at each side of her. She turned to Leo. "I ask two things of you. Whatever you do, don't fail me."

"I wouldn't dream of it!

"Get down there and free those horses. They should have no part in the upcoming battle. They've done no wrong."

"Can't you just ignore them? I doubt they'd be of use to them in the dining hall."

"Don't doubt me." She shook her head. "I'll not hold back, and I'm positive not a thing here will survive. Do you recall the hole in the wall that I left?

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