Chapter 31 - Comrades No More

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     Were the Adder's Fangs not technically indestructible, it might have burst in his bare hand from sheer rage. His greatest fighter sent flying after employing the perfect counter measure to his opponent. He stood against the sword again. He was alone. Alone and scared. He raised his cane to April, wielding it as his own weapon. His last line of defense. Sweat dripped from his face as the cane shook in his arms. Though his nerves were rattled, he had a plan. His artifact was still intact, thus commanding Yula back to his side would solve the issue. Command her to never let April make contact with her and-

     "Don't be an idiot, drop your weapon. This fight is over." April said unamused as she walked towards him.

     "Don't take us lightly! I'm not done—"

     April stood with her side facing him, quickly, focusing on the one point in front of her, careful not to cut anything past. He raised his guard against her coming attack. It would come and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He closed his eyes as she drew. The blade escaped as fast as it returned, the moon's light briefly flickering on her steel. He wished greatly to be able to control this woman. To control someone that would instill such fear in him. Someone that could instill fear in an entire army, a kingdom even. He opened his eyes again, wishing he couldn't. He would rather be dead. The Adder's Fang rested in his hands parted, split in two by the living sword. "You. Are. Done."

     Pender fell to his hands and knees with his mouth agape. The artifact he had wielded for so long destroyed before his very eyes, and so easily. Long has it been since he drank deep failure's ichor. The showdown came to an end. The flames of the infernal crown flickered no more, Pender's goals extinguished with them.

     "You are clearly as familiar with my techniques as myself, genius manipulator. You've even a name for them. Would you indulge me in which one I used to defeat you just now? After all, the only thing I want out of you is information."

     "Don't mock me, swordswoman." He shook his head. "If you wish to know, you can ask Tama. She is the one who told Yula all that I know of you. What does it matter now? Yula had the upper hand against you and still lost. I couldn't even defend myself against your most straight forward attack! To hell with information, what you need is a master! To be beaten by a naked blade that serves nobody, to see my goals battered and broken before me. What am I supposed to do now?"

     "You can find a new goal." April shrugged.

     "After all that has transpired tonight, how do you propose I start anew? As if I could regain the trust of The Twisters. Their bodies will remember what took place tonight. I couldn't possibly start over! What do you know?"

     "Not a lot." April revealed. "I'm a sword. I am an extension of the one who wields me, and those that do were of strong will, surrendering to none. I am power wrought in steel with burning loyalty. I have lived well over ten of your lives, yet I still don't understand your lot. I'm ignorant to your ways. All I can do is watch and hope that those who are good find their steel resolve, to protect what matters, to rid themselves of all who threaten it. As a sword, my resolve was not merely my own. Not until I was born again. You don't have to worry about the well-being of humanity, I am no death god. All I want is Arc."

     "Truly?" He looked up to her, the sword remained at her side. Her murderous gaze finally faded and dulled. She made a promise to spare the lives of her enemies, but tonight nonetheless ended in killing. The killing of his evil ambition. He groveled before her, powerless to continue their battle, unable to even argue against her. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" He repeated, until she rudely raised him from the ground.

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