Three • She Is The One

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The five brothers were gathered in the library with no doors. Alexander was sitting next to the window which had a spectacular view of the forest surrounding the castle. Xavier was going through the racks of books. Axlan was eating an apple to pass his time. While Zyaire was eye-raping the maid busy cleaning a vase outside the room.

Alarick was standing in the middle of the room. He was trying to find the right words to disclose the information to his brothers.

“Alarick, will you please make it fast? It's almost time for my horse-riding.” Alexander spoke a bit impatiently.

“I am saying it, Alex.” Alarick nodded.

“Go on.” Alexander added.

The other three reluctantly looked at Alarick, who still wasn't sure how to reveal his discovery.

“Look, I think I found her.” He said in all seriousness.

Four of them instantly understood who was referred as ‘her’by Alarick.

“Maybe I know her as well.” Xavier added.

“Even I think I've met her already.” Axlan agreed as well.

“Don't tell me it's that maid who possesses a small bosom.”   Alexander was scandalised to even think that the young girl could be the one.

“Wait, is anyone going to tell me who is she?” Zyaire asked, irritated that the other fours have already met her and he doesn't even know about her.

“She is a new maid at the castle.” Xavier told.

“Who ran into me this afternoon.” Alexander added.

“Who loves to read books.” Alarick stated as well.

“And who saw you banging Cara earlier.” Axlan dropped the bomb.

Zyaire was surprised to say the least.

“So what are we supposed to do?” He asked.

“Well, we first need to confirm it for one last time.” said Alarick looking at Zyaire.

And Zyaire understood what exactly he meant.


The next morning, all the maids arrived at the castle as per their regular schedule. So did Cynthia with her sister Thea.

“So Alarick caught you reading a book while sitting under the table and yet he didn't fire you?” Thea asked, not believing what Cynthia told her just a while ago.

“Yes, he said reading books is a good habit and there is no need to do it in hiding.” Cynthia rephrase Alarick's words.

“Yes, he is right. Maybe it's our fear for him that has engraved it in our mind that he is ruthless and unforgiving.” Thea quoted.

“You are right, Thea. Or maybe his heart softened up seeing how cute and innocent I am.” Cynthia smiled cutely.

“Stop bragging. Your cuteness will do you no good unless you work. Cara was complaining yesterday that you didn't work properly.” Thea gave her an angry look.

“But I had done my task.” Cynthia whined.

“Does that mean I was lying?” They heard Cara. She heard the last part of their conversation and was now walking towards them.

Cara stood face to face with Cynthia, who had her eyes downcast.

“What do you want to say, Cynthia? That I was lying to your sister?” She asked arrogantly.

“No, I'm only saying that I had completed the task you assigned me.” Cynthia answered politely.

“It takes not more than an hour to tidy up Xavier's room. Didn't you think that you should ask me if there is some other work for you?”

“I came to ask. But...” She stopped mid-way, not sure if she should say it or not.

“But?” Cara asked.

“But you were busy with Zyaire, so I returned.”

That was all it took for the colours to leave Cara's face. Thea's eyes widened up listening to her sister. And Cynthia still had her eyes down. She was afraid that she will began laughing looking at the shocked face of Cara.

“Whatever, you'll have to compensate for your idleness yesterday. Which is why today you are supposed to clean the entire west wing.” Cara smirked.

Cynthia had not expected Cara to be such a bitch.

“But west wing belongs to Axlan and... Zyaire.”  Thea protested.

“Zyaire won't fuck a little girl, Thea.” Cara dismissed Thea's statement rudely.

Cynthia wanted to hit Cara's head on the nearby wall. However, she controlled her anger and nodded before heading to the west wing.


Zyaire was lying on his bed sleeplessly. The previous night was one of the rarest ones when a woman didn't warm his bed. He was too engrossed in his thoughts to lure a woman to his room at night.

When he was tired of lying idle on the bed, he got up and wore his robe before leaving the chamber.

Zyaire was passing through the corridor when he saw a young maid dusting a portrait in a corner.

She looked very young and timid. What attracted him towards her was the fact that she looked the same as his brothers described the one maybe destined for them.

He smirked and went closer to her. She was busy doing the task at hand, not noticing his presence until she felt someone moving her hair to a side and a hot breath sending shivers down her spine. She quickly turned around to look at the guy she didn't want to encounter.

Zyaire had a seductive smile on his kissable lips. His fingers left tender touches on her face, moving down her neck. She didn't realise when he slowly slid down her both sleeves.

There was something about his presence that made you submit to him. He was God of sex who worshipped your body as if it was elixir, the drink of immortality.

His hands trailed down to her waist and he pushed her against him. He was about to capture her lips but Cynthia protested,“Leave me, sir.”

There was determination in her voice. As if his charm was futile on her. Zyaire frowned but immediately hid it behind a seductive smile.

“What's your name?” He asked sweetly.

“Cynthia.” There was no fascination or hunger in her eyes. She simply wanted to get away from him.

“Cynthia... you are something different.” Saying so he let go of her body. He eyes trailed down her body as she adjusted her sleeves.

“See you around, Cynthia.” He smirked before turning around to leave. That was when he noticed the black clouds invading the sky and he knew she was the one. With one last glance of her, Zyaire left from there.


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