Eleven • Curse of Cruelty

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Cynthia was cleaning the West wing where Axlan and Zyaire resided. The entire day Cara nagged her for not doing the work properly. Everyone knew Thea went missing mysteriously, but the stone-hearted Cara did not care. It seemed as if compassion was sucked out of her heart.

In the afternoon, Cynthia tiredly sat down near the window at the end of the corridor where the walls were decorated with erotic art. She was staring outside the window aimlessly. She was confused and amazed at how their normal lives had turned magically upside down.

“Are you sad, Cynthia?”

She heard Axlan's voice and got startled. She lost her balance and would have fallen down the window if Axlan didn't grab her arm. Cynthia was so shocked that she couldn't even scream. She just stared at him with her eyes wide in shock.

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you,” Axlan apologized as he pulled her to his chest, saving her from a dangerous fall. Though he doubted if the fall could harm her. Maybe falling down the window could make Cynthia use her powers unconsciously. Ah, he lost on a golden opportunity. But then how could he let a seventeen-year-old child fall in front of his eyes. A child. That's all he could think of her. It was hard for him to believe that this child could be his soulmate. He was a five hundred year old man and she wasn't even two decades old. And yet she can be considered more powerful than five of them combined.

Cynthia stepped back nervously when she took in their proximity. Axlan cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment.

“Umm... I am worried about Thea,” She replied to his question from earlier.

Axlan looked at her with a gentle gaze. But she had her eyes downcast.

“My brothers doubt that Thea was abducted was Marcus, the leader of divine world,” Axlan informed her.

Cynthia looked up at his face, “And you don't?”

He shook his head, “I don't.”

“Then who do you think has abducted Thea?” She asked, her voice laced with desperation and fear.

“The Evil. I'm sure that he has Thea,” He was quite confident on his words.

“Why are you so sure?” But that confidence raised curiosity in Cynthia's mind.

“I just know that it's him.” He smiled mysteriously, as if hiding something behind that smile. Something he didn't want to tell her.

“Then why don't you tell yours brothers about it?”

“That won't change anything. He is stronger than us. He will easily defeat us. And honestly speaking, he isn't a tormenter. There must be a reason why he abducted Thea. I'm only curious to know that reason. Trust me, Cynthia, your sister is the safest with him,” It was crystal clear that he did not consider The Evil to be his enemy.

“If that's the case then I also want to know the reason behind Thea's abduction, and also Romeo's death,” Cynthia spoke with determination.

“I can take you to there. To the Noir Valley, where he lives. However...” He trailed off.

“However?” She asked.

“Because of my friendship with The Evil, Alarick has put a curse on me. If I step outside the Dark Castle, my body will start feeling unbearable burning sensation. But if you hold my hand for the entire time I'm outside the castle, I'll be alright.”

“I'll do it.” She nodded her head.

“Then meet me in the garden at midnight. And I promise I won't let any harm come to you,” He smiled and walked away.

✿ ✿ ✿

Selena was considered to be the most beautiful dreamgazer in the divine world. She was once the princess of Moon tribe. But now she was a property. Property of the tyrant ruler of the divine world who has brought disaster to all the realms in the last few centuries.

She was lying beside him in his bed. Her naked body wrapped in silk sheets.

She turned to look at him. Her palm moved to caress his bare chest. Marcus glanced at her for a second and went back to staring at the golden chandelier hanging from the dome.

Sometimes, Selena wondered what would have happened to her if she didn't look like Aurore. The reason why she was still alive was her face that reminded Marcus of the woman he loved. Also the woman he destroyed. Maybe sleeping with her made him feel better. Maybe it somehow satisfied his desires that couldn't come true with Aurore.

But what if he really has abducted Thea, the human incarnation of Aurore? For how long will he keep Selena alive?

Selena could only make assumptions. Marcus was unpredictable. One moment he is the nicest person in the universe and the next moment he would become the tyrant willing to destroy the entire universe.

The elderly divine beings say he wasn't cruel since the beginning. On the contrast, he was a compassionate person. However, a demon sage sucked his compassion and made him a cruel beast.

Others treat this story as a mere myth. For them, it was hard to believe that the cruel Marcus could be compassionate in the past. But Selena believed in this legend. Because she had seen his soft side. The only time he was not cruel was when he was in bed, making love to her. She just hoped one day this curse get lifted and he gets his compassion again.

“Don't stare at me,” He told her in a displeased tone. Selena smiled and turned away from him. She was used to his rude tone. It was a part of his nature.

“When will you kill me?” She asked him, without looking at him.

Marcus turned to look at her bare back and replied after a moment, “When you decide to betray me.”

His reply caught her off-gaurd. Selena turned around to look at him, exposing her bosom in the process.

“I thought you'd say when you will get Aurore.”

Now they were staring at each other with an intense eye contact.

“Even if I get her, I'd still keep you,” He mumbled.

“No, just kill me. I don't want to share you,” She replied quite possessively.

Marcus smirked and pulled her closer, “But you have been sharing me with her for two years.”  

Selena frowned, “But if she lost her virginity, Aurore will remain a human forever. You won't let that happen to her.”

“I didn't take her virginity. But I've been devouring her body for two years. Touching her soft flesh in her sleep,” He smirked arrogantly, as if he was proud of assaulting a human girl.

Selena was left speechless. His hand reached down between her thighs, his fingers began moving in circles, “I wanted to abduct her. Keep her with me. If not sex, I could touch her in other ways,” his fingers moved at a fast pace as he continued, “But he ruined my plan. He always ruins my plan,” And he made her come. Selena shrieked in ecstasy. She was overwhelmed by the revelation he made and also by the work his fingers did between her thighs. She closed her eyes and sighed loudly.

So he didn't abduct her. Damon did.


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