A Call to Arms

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DISCLAIMER: This work of fiction builds upon the universe of my novel-in-progress, Bog's Ascension, in which a leader of the rebel force constructs a pamphlet to rally opposition forces.  Please do not take anything in here to heart, in a literal sense.  This is a FICTIONAL piece of literature.

Blanketed by an eternal smog, the city never looked cleaner.  Crime was dropping, unemployment was being kicked to the curb, and the last chain restaurant was demolished.  Though progressive oligarchs began taking the right steps, it wasn't enough.  Government wasn't abolished, the companies never crumbled, and the people never integrated.  It seriously pissed people off.

It could only go so far.  We could only be neglected for so long.  For years, our organization and is members have been pushed around by these brutes.  Why didn't they realize we'd snap?

How?  Where?  When?  Why?  By any means necessary.  Anywhere you damn well please.  When the bells toll and the bullets rip through the quiet air.  Because it's about time we take the city into our own hands.

I've sat idly by for too long, and I've gamble way too much.  We have lost too much: our integrity, peace, and knowledge have been stunted these tyrants.

Rise, my Fellows, seize this tormented city.  Conquer the lands once belonging to our liberated ancestors.  Come forth from the shadow of P.A.T.R.O.L., and claim the Future!

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