Testing Hell

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You know, modernized schooling is absurd and ridiculously unnecessary.  S.A.T., A.C.T., A.P., P.A.R.C.C., P.S.A.T., A.P.E.X., etc.  Why are there s many assessments, some required and some optional, for one student to take?  You'd think standardized instructors fight to save the trees an, at least, host the tests online, somehow.  Well, they are, but at a horrendous pace, while, simultaneously, structuring the assessments to setup the students to, unintentionally, crash and burn, due to extreme difficulties in the process of answering questions, especially in regards to mathematics.

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Franklin, Tesla, Einstein, Newton, Hawking.  Their ladders of enlightenment were not climbed by sitting in a room, for hours, filling in bubbles and composing rhetorical analyses of just about everything and anything.  They took the time to theorize, experiment, and conclude a wide variety of topics, free of the testing room.

Institutionalized schooling, as it is now, is truly absurd.  The knowledge is temporary, and the atmosphere is saturated in competitiveness.

To break away will be long and hard, that is if humanity decides to work for a better world.

It's about time we replace assessments with actual education.

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