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I am Luna Brantley. I am 19, but I was only 16 when the zombie outbreak began.

Many people dream and make jokes about how much fun it would be to live through a zombie apocalypse, but that's only if you survive. In truth, it's the most difficult thing I've ever experienced. Watching your family die before you and having to leave them behind. You can't really have or love a family in this new, dreadful world. I hope I never again experience anything like that ever again. If I do it would be my downfall; especially if it happened to Lucas.

Lucas is my boyfriend. Somehow we were able to make it together. It must be our love that helps us endure this savage life. We are both a part of Anti and love everyone here. We and the other bands try to stay peaceful but everyone is scared that a band will raid. Supplies are beginning to run a bit low in this city and we'll all have to move to a new one soon.

I am to go hunting today for the first time. Luckily Lucas is going to help teach me what to do. He hunts for us regularly because we don't want to use all the preserved food that is readily available to us. Gosh I love him so. Every time I look at him I think of how lucky I am to have him. He's just under six feet in height and has medium length, dirty blonde hair. 

He's probably the only thing that keeps me going now. He's the only thing I have to live for.

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