Concert Backstage

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*Back Stage*

'Get off me!' Felix whisper yelled, 'We need to get on stage!'

It was just those two left in the change room. All the other members were already lining up to go on stage for their concert.

Felix pushes hyunjin off his body and tries to follow the other members. But one step out and Hyunjin pulls him back in, and pins him against the wall.

'The fans can wait, in this moment, you're only mine,' Hyunjin says as his fox eyes pierces into Felix's soul.

Hyunjin presses his lips hard against his. His hands running up and down his back, to his neck and through his hair. Felix's face flushes. His eyes were slightly steamy. His rosy cheeks caught Hyunjin's eyes.

'You're melting my heart with that look,' whispered Hyunjin.

'You're going to mess up my hair,' exclaimed Felix, as he grasps for some air. He tries to nudge him off.

'You're the one seducing me, yet looking all innocent,' replied Hyunjin, 'you know that pulls my heart strings.'

Felix blushes even more and lowers his head. He dares not to look in this man's eyes. He's afraid he'd get lost in them forever.

Seeing him so shy and embarrassed, Hyunjin's smile stretches even more across his perfect porcelain face. He looks at the clock on the wall. Seeing that it is really getting late, he says all disappointedly, 'I hate to let you go. Let's continue this once the concert ends. Let's go smash the stage now.'

Felix's face was red like the dawning sun. 'Continue what?' Felix exclaimed. 'I'm going straight to bed afterwards'. He tries to calm himself down.

'Oh? Is this an invitation?' Hyunjin says as he pulls him in closer. 'Isn't it too quick for you?'

'I-I didn't mean that!' Felix tries to explain himself, trying his best to hide that the thought did cross his mind. 'I meant I would be too exhausted afterwards so we should just get some rest, that's all.'

'You always get so talkative when you're nervous' says Hyunjin with loving eyes.

On stage, Felix was in a position behind Hyunjin when he did his solo part. Felix was mesmerised by the way he was moving his body. He felt so lucky to see it from this angle, a view that only belonged to him. Felix silently thanked God for allowing him to stand so close to him. With Hyunjin in his life, he found another reason to live.

The crowd was going crazy after their new song performance.

'There's an angel on this stage,' Hyunjin says to Felix through the mic. Felix laughs and corrects his pronunciation.

Hyunjin continues, 'and you're the angel.' The crowd goes crazy. He continues to say, 'I love your deep voice... and Felix is really hot today guys.'

A big smile stretch across Felix's face. The happy Aussie boy's eyes turning into two downward crescent moons.

The concert was absolute fire. All the fan chants were in sync. Everyone was proud of their performance.

Hyunjin's manager had been waiting for Felix to come out of the change room. Telling him that Hyunjin has been waiting for him in the car to go home together. Felix thanks him and follows him to the carpark.

Felix slides opens the van door and turns around to the other lingering members and workers. 'Bye guys! Great job today, ya'll are so awesome!' Just as he finished the sentence, Felix looses his balance as he feels a strong force that pulls him into the van. The door shuts behind him.

In the van, Felix falls on top of Hyunjin. It was dark inside, and all the windows were blinded. It was just those two.

The two beautiful faces were inches away from each other. They gazed into each other's eyes, like time had slowed down just so they could savour this moment a little longer. 

'You were too charming today... you tamed every one of our hearts,' says Hyunjin, with a gentle smile.

'You too, babe.' Replied Felix. He could tell Hyunjin was also exhausted, physically and mentally. But at this moment, being able to hold each other so closely wiped away all of that. With only each other in mind. No one else mattered. He was sure that Hyunjin felt the same way too. 

Aussie boi x Seoul city boi (SKZ Felix x Hyunjin Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now