SKZ Code: Theme Park Confession

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Since the 2 kids room interview, Hyunjin and Felix has been working hard to keep it on the low. However, to their surprise, today, JYP organised their SKZ Code to be at a theme park. 

On the way to there, everyone was recovering from the busy schedule they've been having for the past few weeks. Everyone was snoring. Felix also falls asleep quietly on Hyunjin's shoulder.

Upon arrival, Bang Chan is the first to jump out and does the biggest stretch. Sunlight embraces his body as if welcoming him to this wonderland. One by one, the members crawl out of the van, rubbing their eyes and yawning to wake themselves up. Hyunjin holds Felix's hand to lead him off the van.

Finally opening his eyes, and sees the sight before him, Felix awes at the enormous roller coaster before him. His eyes glistened up and a huge smile stretched across his face.

'Holy! It's huge! Hyungs let's ride that one!' Felix screams as he pulls the hand next to him and runs toward the queue. 'Omg it looks so fun! Right Hyunjin?' He added as he looks up at the tracks. He turns to look at the person next to him with the most happy and childish smile, only to meet eyes with Seungmin who gave him a wordless glare. Felix was shocked and quickly let go of Seungmin's hand and turns back to look for Hyunjin.

He finally saw Hyunjin standing all alone at the very spot where he let go of his hand at the entrance. His looks like he's about to cry. His lips pouting. His eyes panicking. He just stood there like a child waiting for his mother to come pick him up, but forgot to.

Felix's heart ached looking at him. He just stood there looking at the lost boy amidst the busy crowd. At this moment, Felix silently promises to himself, that he will never leave this boy's side ever again.

Felix locks his eyes on the boy. He walks over to him, ignoring the crowd's opposing force. He determinedly takes Hyunjin's hand, and gently smiles at him, reflecting some of his self blame. How could he had forgotten about Hyunjin's childhood trauma, and left him in the crowd alone...? 

Hyunjin stops panicking. The familiar temperature sensed from his hand calmed him down. He holds tightly onto the hand, and his eyes move up to meet with its owner's eyes. Felix could see the sudden relief and happiness. No blame. No hate. Just relief and genuine joy of finally being found by him.

On the huge pirate ship swing, Hyunjin ties his eye is two pig tails so they wouldn't float around over his face. Han, Felix and Chan were we on the ground waiting for their turn. Hyunjin looked like a little girl with extreme cuteness overload.

'You're the prettiest Hyunjin!' Shouts Han. 'Will you go out with me!' he adds.

Felix was love struck by Hyunjin's appearance, but upon hearing Han's confession, his smile turned into a cold stare.

Hyunjin acts cute upon hearing the compliments, but upon seeing Felix's change of expression, replies cutely, 'I have someone already!'

At this time, Changbin who was sitting next to him on the ride shouts 'Yes! He's mine!'

Hyunjin acts untouched by the comment and instead shows joking annoyance at how long he shouted.

Later that night, upon returning to their rooms, Felix comes to knock on Hyunjin's door. Hyunjin had just stepped out of a warm shower. His hair was still slightly wet and water drips down his neck.

Wrapping himself in a bath robe, Hyunjin opens the door to let Felix in.

Felix looks at Hyunjin for a bit and proceeds to walk in. He sits on the bed and doesn't say a word. Hyunjin notices that Felix wasn't in the best mood.

'You really did well in the claw machine today!' Hyunjin exclaimed with a smile, as he tries to test waters to Felix's bad mood.

Felix doesn't reply and stares at the floor. Hyunjin just stands there doing his own thing. Moments later Felix looks up at Hyunjin and walks over to him.

Hyunjin doesn't notice until he pins him to the wall from behind. He gave him a shock.

'You sure are popular,' says Felix in a deep voice. He's whispering in Hyunjin's ear. 'Everyone wants you to be theirs,' he adds.

Hyunjin cannot see Felix's expression, as he hides his face in Hyunjin's shoulder. He was surprised that Felix was, jealous.

There was still some warmth seeping through the wet robe. Felix let his face sink into Hyunjin's broad shoulder. His face slightly red from Hyunjin's steamy body after the warm shower.

'Why didn't you chose me to be your roommate at the shoot today...?' Felix finally asks the question that's been occupying his mind all day. 'I felt so heartbroken when I took the eye mask off, and it wasn't you who appeared...'

'The managers told me to keep it on the low... the media are on us... I couldn't choose you even when that's all I wanted,' replied Hyunjin. 'I'm sorry I hurt you, I wanted to protect you...' Hyunjin spoke his true intentions.

Felix digs his face in more, and hugs him tighter than before. '...I know.' He replied. 'I know all this, but I-I still can't help myself but be jealous. Especially that it's Changbin. He really likes you too. When you told you to unbutton your shirt today... and told you to act cute for the food... I really didn't want you to do it for him.'

'I didn't do it for him. It was for the thumbnail, even so I didn't do it willingly. The only person I would do it for from the heart would be for you.' Hyunjin replies, as he turns around and pushes the emotional boy onto the bed behind them...

(this chapter is getting too long so... to be continued).  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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