the cottage

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All went well until he suddenly saw a little cottage in the middle of the woods. At first he thought he was hallucinating. "Maybe I shouldn't have eaten those mushrooms", he thought in disappointment with himself, "I shouldn't have broken my fast I swear to god why did I do that?" Of course he was surprised when the cottage ended up being real. He entered the seemingly abandoned house. He wanted to run away immediately when he had seen the inside. Human skulls, hearts and organs of which he didn't even knew he had, were spread all around the tiny cabin. A disgusting witch had closed the door before he got the chance to run. His heart was pounding in places where it definitely shouldn't. "I know who you are and what you want," said the witch with a motherfucking crusty dusty musty voice, "I will give it to you for a small price." This offer made the prince calm down a bit. He still didn't dare to talk but his ears were working well. "You can't give me anything that I don't have, but I would like to have some fun with you. I will make you face your biggest fear." Her creepy smile showed her rotting teeth. "I fear nothing", the prince said confident. "Then you have nothing to fear in this deal. But be careful, because I might know you better than you do." His confidence disappeared as an emo girl's dad. "Do you accept?" He nodded so she went to furthest corner of the cottage, which wasn't very far.

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