the creature

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When he arrived there, he noticed that she had been waiting for him. She knew he was going to come back. Before the prince could do anything, she had already taken away his weapons. She tied him to chair so he could listen well. "I know you think it didn't work, but you forgot one thing. This brew made you look exactly like the person you last thought of so it's not my fault that you, selfish as always, thought of yourself." The man was shocked. He couldn't believe that he was the problem, he fucked it up. "As a punishment, I will make you so disgusting that you'll never want to think about yourself anymore. I will turn you into a maggot." He couldn't even say anything in objection
because she had already done it. The once so tall and low-key handsome prince was now about the size of a bean. He didn't even get the chance to be depressed, the witch had already thrown him through the window into dangerous areas for such small creatures.

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