Dinner parties and siblings returned

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Timmy POV

It's been a crazy few days to say the least. To summarise what happened, Stefan has gone completely insane.

First he showed up to our house and threatened Nik to make his hybrids leave or he would kill them all, Nik obviously said no which resulted in a headless hybrid in my house. Tyler bit Caroline for 2 reasons, she's close to Elena as leverage and to make Tyler suffer for being a dick to me. Obviously I made Nik go heal her because she didn't deserve to die over what is going on between me and my brother.

Stefan kidnapped Elena and was going to drive her off wickery bridge with his blood in her system. Which was a stupidly bold move that surprisingly worked, the hybrids are gone but now so are Stefan's chances of ever getting his girl back.

Nik did everything Stefan asked of him but he still refused to give him his family back. We also found out Bonnie is looking for her mother, Nik thinks it has something to do with a certain coffin that has been stolen. The witch Ayana is Bonnies ancestor that preserved his mothers body with a spell, Nik thinks they are trying to awaken his mother. We definitely don't want that to happen. He sent a hybrid to Bonnies mothers house to compel the boy she is looking after to kill himself if Bonnie doesn't tell him the location of the coffins, it's a long shot but worth a try.

Damon finally came forward with the location of the coffins, when Nik went he got a pretty nasty headache from the witch spirits. After threatening to kill off Bonnie the spirits gave him back 3 of the 4 coffins. The 4th one, the one holding Esther, was taken away from the witches house to a unknown location. This is stopping Nik from reuniting his family, he won't admit it but he's scared of what can happen once it's open.

So now here we are, in a room with 4 daggered originals.

Nik is talking to one of his hybrids when all of a sudden he drops to the floor and Elijah is standing there with his heart in his hand.

Myself and Nik are both too shocked to move.

Elijah: So Niklaus.

Nik: Elijah?

Elijah: What did I miss?

This can't be good.

Elijah: You both looked surprised to see me. So it wasn't you that removed the dagger from my chest. Nor was it you sweet Timmy.

I just look to the floor, I can't bear to see the look in his eyes any longer.

Nik: You look like you could do with a drink. And we have a lot to discuss. So shall we?

They start fighting, I try to move to the furthest corner in the room. It's quite frightening to see them fight, I'm actually scared.

Nik: Easy! I just finished renovating. You know, you have every right to be mad at me. But I kept my word, I reunited you with our family.

They are back in the room with coffin, Nik takes one out of his younger brothers chest and pins down Elijah.

Nik: Don't make me do this to you, Elijah.

Elijah: Come in, use it. I dare you. You'll have Kol to deal with.

That seemed to have gotten through to Nik because he lowers his weapon. I seem to be forgotten about right now because I am still cowering in a corner with glass all around me. I can feel blood dripping down my cheek from where a piece of glass cut me but I dare not move.

Nik: Mikael is dead.

Elijah: What did you say?

Nik: I killed him with his own weapon. He's gone Elijah, forever.

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