The First

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Thomas laid in bed, the incessant beeping of his alarm clock in his ear. An awful blaring horn noise.

"What time even is it?" Thomas grumbled. He didn't usually set alarms for Sundays, or weekends in general. Why would he have done so? Thomas sat up and looked at his clock. Noon. Wow, that early? Thomas shut off the alarm and debated his options. He could lay in bed for another half an hour, or another hour for that matter. Or, he could get up, and maybe make some breakfast. Breakfast sounded good.

Against his better judgement Thomas climbed out of bed, a weird rush coming over him. Thomas looked around for a moment, confused.

"The hell?" He mumbled, thinking. There wasn't any open window, he was completely alone in his room. Thomas shrugged the weird feeling off the best he could, going to his closet. He threw on the first pair of pants and tshirt he saw, much too lazy to care about choosing his outfit. It didn't matter how people saw him because he didn't quite care.

There it was again. It was like a chill running down his spine and spreading out through the rest of his body. Why was that happening? Thomas huffed. He did not want to go to the doctor one bit, he already had to work there in the first place.

Thomas wandered downstairs and to the kitchen, fumbling around for eggs. The same breakfast as yesterday, but, it was reliable. Eggs hadn't steered him wrong yet.

Thomas went to work on the eggs, listening to the frying noise and thinking. What to do today? Sit around like yesterday probably. He hadn't showered today or brushed his hair yet... but, he didn't really need to to be in public. Who cares if people think he's gross.

"Pull yourself together, Thomas." A deep voice spoke. Thomas spun around, and upon seeing a man standing directly behind him. He yelped, grabbing his spatula and tossing it at the intruder, before running to the living room. Wait- had the spatula not hit the guy?

"That was rude." The same voice spoke, again from directly behind him, Thomas flinching and spinning around to face his terrifying temporary house guest.

"What do you want? Did you break in?" Thomas asked, wishing he had any of his self defense stuff in his pockets.

The man in front of Thomas let out a low chuckle.

"I did not break in." The person said. Thomas squinted suspiciously, looking the intruder up and down. He certaintly didn't look like a robber. Dark brown hair and intense dark blue eyes. Pale skin.

"You look... a lot more put-together than robbers usually do." Thomas said. The intruder let out a small hum.

"How observant. Thank you Thomas, I am aware I present myself well." The stranger replied once again.

"Who even are you?" Thomas asked, eyes still scanning the other quickly. Details for a possible police report. He completely ignored the fact that this person knew his name.

A black long sleeve formal shirt, the sleeves rolled neatly to his elbows. He had a blue tie, and some sort of blue symbol was printed on the chest of the shirt. Blue lines extended down the mans arms, appearing like a tattoo almost, the lines swirling around the mans fingers and coming to an end. He was in straight legged black jeans and black dress shoes. He also had square wire-frame glasses, and freckles dotted over his face, however they were also dark blue.

"My name is υπεροψία. However I am aware you won't be able to pronounce that, so we can stick with your languages version of the word. My name is Pride." The mysterious man replied.

Thomas raised one eyebrow.

"That's a stupid name." Thomas replied. Pride met his eyes for the first time, glowing blue.

"Be careful with your words, mortal." Pride muttered, voice echoing somehow in Thomas's head. Thomas looked away and covered his ears, groaning. It made his head hurt. Thomas looked up at Pride again, wincing slightly as he made eye contact. His eyes hurt to look at. But then the glow of Pride's iris's dissipated, left as their apparently normal dark blue color. And then Thomas's head didn't hurt anymore.

"How did you get in my house?" Thomas asked next. "Why are you named Pride?" He added. Many things were running through Thomas's mind at a million miles an hour.

"Oh. Dear Thomas. Don't you remember? Your deal for your soul with Satan puts you in a contract with the man himself. The highest of the higherups. And I have a bone to pick with your debtor, Thomas. As do my friends." Pride explained, voice fairly monotone in pitch.

And then it clicked in Thomas's head.

"You're a sin." Thomas muttered. "Well, fuck me then I guess. You're a sin. There's one of the seven deadly sins in my house right now." He continued. Thomas began pacing his floor.

"Thank Lucifer, you're so quick to notice things." Pride said sarcastically.

"What do I have to do with you talking to Satan?" Thomas asked next. Pride looked at Thomas incredulously.

"Are you not in close contact with him?" Pride asked. Thomas looked at Pride, scoffing.

"Oh yeah no wait, we're real close, here let me just call him up quick! Hey Satan, wanna go get drinks- no, obviously i'm not close with him!" Thomas replied. Pride sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Well then I suppose I am stuck helping you." Pride muttered. Thomas looked at the black-clothed man.

"Helping me?" Thomas asked. Pride nodded, walking up to Thomas and placing a hand under his chin, pushing Thomas's face up for them to make eye contact once again. Pride was tall, Thomas noticed.

"Messing with Satans most important pet is a good way to get his attention." Pride hummed. "Making you better, replenishing your soul would decrease your value to him, and he won't have that." Pride added, looking over Thomas.

"Now go shower and change. Have a little care for your appearance, Thomas. You smell like petrified dog shit." Pride murmured. Thomas nodded carefully and wandered to his bathroom. Obeying one of the seven deadly sins seemed like an idea that would only end in disaster or some sort of terrible endless torture.

What in the literal hell is going on.

The Seven - Sanders Sides Seven Deadly Sins Where stories live. Discover now