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"Why is it so bright in here..?" A man muttered to himself. He rolled over in bed, trying to pull the covers back over his head when he suddenly noticed the time.

"Fuck." He muttered, sitting up quickly. The man shed the covers off of his legs and stood, walking to his closet. He was going to be so late for work.

Thomas shuffled through his small closet, grabbing a pair of blue jeans, and a white t-shirt as well as a thin gray jacket. It was a little windy outside,  he could hear it through the window.

Thomas Sanders, a man of many mysteries. He never left his house unless he needed too. Never had anyone over. His neighbors all agreed he was not a very pleasant man. Thomas grabbed his phone off his side table and shoved it in the pocket of his jeans.

The curtains were open. No wonder it was so light in the room. Thomas sighed and shut the curtains which sent the room back into darkness. Thomas grabbed a shirt and put that on as well. He went to the bathroom, grabbing his toothbrush. All of his morning routine was done with no emotion. No joy, no happiness... nothing. He was just a husk of a man.

Thomas had no soul. He hadn't had one for quite a few years, in fact. After an incident, he had sold his soul to the devil, made a deal to trade for something he valued more. However, fate is a heartless deity. It turned out to be useless. So now Thomas was here, living in Florida all by himself, no contact to his family, or friends. He woke up, worked, got home, ate, and went to bed. A daily routine he didn't care enough to bother changing.

After all what's the use of living if it doesn't mean anything anyways?

Thomas put on his thin jacket, and his baby blue Converse he had gotten two years ago, now faded and breaking apart. He opened the door to his home, locked the door behind himself, and headed out. His work was only a short walk away, he had no need for a car honestly. Thomas never went anywhere anyways. He checked the time again, stopping dead in his tracks. It's a Saturday. Thomas doesn't work on Saturdays. He had gotten up for nothing!

Thomas sighed, putting his phone back in his pocket. He jaywalked across the street, heading into a nearby coffee shop. Remy's Café, it was called. He was in here every once and awhile, but he found no need for coffee and snacks and useless things, so it was a rare occaision.

"Thomas! Hey babes! What's going on with you?" The barista, Remy, called at Thomas. Thomas just sighed. This happened every time, it was like Remy was determined to be his friend. He didn't need friends. Thomas walked up to the counter.

"One black coffee please, medium roast." Thomas said. The cashier lady (Isabelle, Thomas noted) nodded and asked Thomas for his card which he supplied. She gave him back his card and receipt. Thomas nodded a thank you.

Thomas walked over to the waiting area, sighing quietly. He pulled out his phone again, unlocking it and trying to find something to occupy himself while he waited. Unfortunately, Remy walked over, insistent on having a conversation.

"Don't you have coffee to be making?"
Thomas asked. Remy laughed, pushing his sunglasses up his nose.

"Oh babes i'm the owner, I always work with another barista so if something important happens I can step away." Remy said. Thomas hummed, nodding slightly. New idea: Avoid the owner.

"So what are you up to today, Tommy?" Remy asked, smiling. Thomas grimaced slightly at the nickname.

"Don't call me that. And if you must know I am getting a coffee, then going to the library to sit in peace." Thomas replied. Remy scoffed slightly.

"How boring, babes. Come on wait here until after my shift and you and I can go partying!" Remy said. Thomas shook his head quickly. There was no way he was going out to go party.

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