Becoming Human

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Thomas locked his bedroom door, listening to Logan pounding on the wood once he caught up. Thomas looked around, what could he do? Did he have any self defense? Wait- Logan probably couldn't get through the door now, since he was, well, human. That didn't stop the other two sins or demons or whatever they may be that had just shown up however.

Both the two zipped through the door like it wasn't even there. The paler one shuffled his sleeves over his hands, seemingly burying himself into the black and purple hoodie he wore, a large purple symbol on the back of the hoodie. The other ran his hand through his hair, getting out out of his face.

"So- ah- who are you two?" Thomas asked, watching the two. The tanner of the two looked over at Thomas, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"That's not exactly your biggest problem right now, big guy. Pride is going to kill you when he gets that door open." He said. Thomas shrugged.

"If he kills me I can't put him back to normal so." Thomas replied. Logan's venture of joggling the door handle and pounding on the wood stopped as Thomas stopped speaking. The paler one snickered.

"That shut him up." He mumbled, floating over to the door and unlocking it. Thomas waited for his inevitable doom.

"I'm going to kill you Sloth." Logan growled, opening the door once he remembered how fingers worked. He walked into the room, eyes darting to Thomas instantly. Thomas gave Logan a thin smile. Logan looked like he was going to drop an atom bomb just to wipe the smile off of Thomas's stupid face.

"So, the pale one is Sloth." Thomas hummed, looking at the other in the room. He was tall, lean and fit, tan, long-ish hair with a shaved side colored dark maroon, bright red eyes... hmm. White short shorts, fishnets, red heels, red tank top, this was certainly-

"Lust, at your service in any way you see fit~" Lust cooed at Thomas, extending his hand out to shake Thomas's. Thomas rolled his eyes and snickered a little.

"The pleasure is yours." Thomas quipped.

"It sure is amor~" Lust hummed, giving Thomas a wink and spinning some of his hair around his finger. Pride rolled his eyes, in a mood far beyond bad at the moment.

"So, by saying your human names, you turn mortal? Is there any way to turn you back?" Thomas asked curiously. Sloth looked between Pride and Thomas nervously.

"You didn't think to check on that before you turned Pride mortal?" Sloth asked. Thomas shrugged slightly.

"Well sorry, I didn't think that it would do anything for one. Still kind of wrapping my head around the whole 'deadly sin' thing in the first place so." Thomas replied. List chuckled a little, floating his way over to Pride.

"Oh Pride your human form is so cute!" Lust said, Pride scoffing. Logan waved his hand at Lust intensdijgnto smack him, but much to Pride's dismay he could no longer physically interact with Lust, so no smacking occurred.

"Okay so, you two must have human named too then yeah? Why don't we just make it fair for all three of you?" Thomas said. He got about two steps towards the door before Sloth flew to right in front of him, hovering between Thomas and the door.

"No no, that's not neccessary. I mean Pride is already going to have to stay with you so we wouldn't want to take up room." Sloth said, doing his best to discourage Thomas from this decision. Thomas walked right though Sloth heading towards the kitchen.

"Welp, I tried. Your turn Lust." Sloth muttered, yawning into his purple and black hoodie sleeves. Lust rolled his eyes and flew after Thomas.

"This is a bad idea Thomas, really. There's no need to." Lust said, looking back at Pride who was just grinning mischeviously. Thomas walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, looking at the big book on the table.

"Pride, do something!" Lust insisted. Logan shook his head slowly, trailing after Thomas down towards the kitchen.

"If I have to be here, I may as well not be the only one, hmm?" Logan said. "Thomas, you don't even the book. I know their names!" He offered to Thomas, who turned back and looked at Logan curiously.

"You do?" Thomas said. Sloth floated out of Thomas's room slowly, watching the three silently. He simply did not care enough to stop this.

"Pride I will actually simply murder you." Lust muttered. "Do not stick me here in a human form like you! Sloth won't be able to do anything he'll be so tired!" Lust said. Pride- Logan, was not listening whatsoever.

"If I, the only worthwhile of the six of us, have to be human then so do you, Roman." Logan said. Lust gasped and was about to go for Logan when the process took over.

Squelching and snapping occurred as bones and muscles appeared and connected themselves together, slowly forming a human body. Lust yelped as the process started, trying his best to avoid the inevitable but it seemed to only make things move quicker.

On the ground now sat a tan, very lovely looking human. Chin length wavy chocolate brown hair, gray eyes, a few scars here and there around the body List now inhabited. Or- Roman now, Thomas supposed. He looked over at Sloth, pointing slowly.

"What about him?" Thomas asked. Pride chuckled slowly.

"That would be Virgil." Logan said. A small flash of purple occured from Sloth's eyes, and the same process of bones snapping themselves into a skeleton and muscles and flesh moving themselves around occured and the third of the sins was in a 'measly' human form.

Roman huffed softly, looking at Logan.

"At least I can do this now!" Roman said, smacking Logan on the back of the head as a small revenge for trapping them on the mortal plane. Logan just snickered softly and shoved Roman off.

Thomas walked over to Sloth/Virgil, offering him a hand up. Virgil pulled himself up on Thomas's hand, yawning widely. Pale, blonde undercut hair with purple tips, gray eyes, all in all a very average guy.

"If I saw you three I'd never guess you were deadly sins." Thomas said, laughing a bit. Logan and Roman was busy bickering about their new circumstances and said nothing back to Thomas. Virgil however looked at Thomas.

"Yeah except they fight and they never shut up." Virgil muttered, Thomas snickering softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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