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Scott, Stiles and Darcy enter their first period English class and take their seats, where the teacher, Mr. Curtis, immediately begins the lecture without introduction
"As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night."
Scott grins and looks over at Stiles, who is in the desk one row and one column behind him and who winks at him knowingly and Darcy who sat in front of stiles
"And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus, which is on your desk outlining this semester."
The three boys once again share an unexcited look before suddenly, Scott hears a phone ring so loudly that he believes it to be right next to him. However, when he looks around the room, he sees no one else reacting to the noise, causing him to frown in confusion. Eventually, the sound of a female voice draws his attention to the row of windows to his left, through which he sees a young brunette woman sitting on a bench at the bottom of the stairs to the front entrance to the school. She has just answered the phone, which she has braced between her ear and her shoulder so she can dig through her gray canvas bag. The fact that he can hear her speaking like she's sitting right in front of him only makes him more confused, Darcy looks towards Scott giving him a confused look noticing him not paying attention before following his gaze, smirking at what he sees he turns back to Scott
"She's cute" he muttered tossing a small paper ball at the boy
Scott sent a small glare his way before going back to watching the girl outside

After a few minutes go by the class door opens and the vice principal stepped in the girl from outside following behind
"Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome"
Allison, who looks nervous, smiles weakly before finding the only open seat in the class, which just happens to be the seat behind Scott and next to stiles who gives her an awkward smile, Darcy turns slightly sending her a small smirk and wave before turning around to face the boy behind him taking the pen out of his hand and dropping it on the floor
"Mother fucker! Stop it!" Stiles whisper shouted slapping Darcy's hands away

While the daily petty argument happens between his friends Scott, having heard Allison's conversation with her mother earlier, knows that she forgot a pen and offers her one of his own. Allison looks surprised by the gesture, but smiles at him gratefully
Scott smiles back at her in a way that indicates that he is starting to fall for her already before turning back around in his seat so she can't see him blush. The English teacher then picks up where he left off as Allison looks confused by this interaction
"We'll begin with Kafka's Metamorphosis on page one-thirty-three." The teacher says

After class ends, the students file out and go to their lockers. Scott's locker is across the hallway and several meters down from Allison's and when Scott catches her eye, Allison smiles at him. Just then, Lydia approaches Allison and strikes up a conversation, Scott continues to watch them from afar and eavesdrop on them with his newly-enhanced hearing as Stiles, Darcy and their friend Harley join him by his own locker
"Can someone tell me how New Girl is here all of five minutes, and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?" Harley asks rhetorically
"Because she's hot.Beautiful people herd together." Stiles comments
Harley and Darcy share a look
"Guess that's why Lydia doesn't notice you then" Darcy says giving Harley a high five
"Whoa! Not cool guys!"
Scott is so distracted by listening to Allison, Lydia and Jackson talk that he doesn't even react to the three's argument
"Look I'm just saying! All of the people that Lydia hangs round with are hot!"
"Even Jackson?" Harley asks rasing her eyebrow
"... Stop backing me into corners! You two always do that! Okay so he's attractive and a dick I'm not blind"
"Oh we know we just wanted to hear you say it" Darcy smiled evilly
"Stop bullying me!" Stiles whines as the two walking away laughing
He turns to Scott seeing him watch Allison get dragged away, scoffing he grabbed his wrist pulling him to follow their friends
"Dude you did nothing to help me out there!"
"What? What are you talking about?"
"Bro's before hoes my ass" stiles muttered playfully making Scott hit him
"Shut up!"

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