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"So you told them?" Harley asked leaning on the locker next to Darcy's
"Well I told Stiles and I might of just knocked Scott out so he'll remember nothing from any point after he came in my room, but oh well" Darcy smirked at the girl
Harley laughed pushing herself off the lockers the two fall in step heading to their first class
"I bet Alistairs loving being able to torture Stiles"
"He's been doing that just fine without talking, this just adds fuel to the fire" Darcy joked linking their arms

"Mr Bennett" Mr Curtis's voice called from behind the pair as they reached their class
Turning around Darcy's brain was sifting through all the things he might of done to get in trouble and how he can pin the blame on Stiles
"A word please Mr Bennett?"
Harley looked between the teacher and her best friend, glancing at Harley he sighs dropping her arm and giving a small nod signalling her to go on without him
"Sir?" He questions with a sarcastic smile
"You somehow have some of the best grades in my class" he stated a confused look on his face
"Thank you? I think" Darcy whispered to himself brows frowned

"Anyway, Mr Whittemore has less than ideal grades in comparison so I was wondering if you'd be willing to tutor him" Mr Curtis asked
"Jackson not being up to someone's expectations? Shocker, sure whatever" Darcy shrugged
Mr Curtis nodded a big smile on his face, shooing Darcy away which the witch was happy about

Darcy and Harley were sitting on the bleachers ready to watch their friends
"So you have to tutor Mr Richy Rich over there" Harley smirked
The pair were currently watching Jackson warming up
"Sadly, but who knows maybe I'll strike and end up being a sugar baby from this experience" the two look at each other in silence before bursting out in laughter
"Hey um Darcy was it?" Allison's voice interrupted

The two turned facing her, looking like the world’s most judgiest pair causing Allison's smile to falter slightly
"That’s correct" he said looking her up and down
"Oh uh I'm Allison" she greeted holding her hand to Harley
"Okay...hey is it okay if I sit here?" Allison asked lowering her hand
"Do what you please darling we don't bite" Darcy shrugged looking back at the boys practising
"Well I don't" Harley smirked
Darcy scoffed smirking at her, out of the corner of his eye he spots Scott walking onto the field with Stiles trailing behind him

"Scott! Scott wait up!" Stiles yells catching up
"Stiles, I'm playing the first elimination, man. Can it wait?" Scott said trying to walk away
Stiles grabs him by the shoulder spinning him around to look him in the eye
"Just hold on, okay? I overheard my dad on the phone. The fiber analysis came back from the lab in L.A. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods!" Stiles exclaimed
"Stiles, I gotta go" Scott said,
distracted by the prospect of making first line, picks up his lacrosse stick and helmet before jogging onto the field
"Wait, no! Scott! You're not gonna believe what the animal was!" He yelled trying to get Scott's attention. He stopped and looked sad when Scott is too preoccupied to hear him. His voice lowers to almost a whisper as he finishes his own thought
"...It was a wolf."

The three on the bleachers watch as Coach Finstock moved to the center of the field, calling all of the players to circle around him, Allison waves at Scott Whitchurch he gladly returns, gaining coaches attention
"I'm not excited about having to do track with him again, like no offence but the man has a couple of screws loose" Harley stated glancing at her best friend
"Ugh don't remind me" Darcy groaned throwing his head back
"Oh sorry I forgot you were allergic to exercise" Harley sarcastically said



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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