rumors rumors rumors

64 4 0

word count- 1220

eventually the day ended and i walked over to the football field, stretching in the grass as everyone started the spirit paint and taking the cheer boxes out

as i was mid split, coach had us do a few stunts to warmup and soon enough we got out to the field

the game started slow and as we watched the game on our named boxes, coach called me


i turned to my coach to see her pointing above her

i looked up to see the twins,
kate, aran, kita, and..suna all standing in the stands waving with a big poster in their hands that i couldnt read since it was flipped to the blank white part.
"so kate how come you couldn't cheer" i gave her a sarcastic confused look as her eyes widened

"uhh too much homework! you know, its hard being a double sport athlete whos enrolled in ap college classes"

i rolled my eyes and turned back around, slightly smiling at the sweet gesture of theirs.

'tighten up that defense i said hold..that...line!" i called the cheer, notifying the girls to turn around as we called the rest.

after halftime the crowd really started getting hyped, as the team was up 15-0

the band began playing the fight song as we all hopped off the boxes and did the song in front of it

i heard the crowd get louder as i watched astumu hold up his sign covering in rhinestones, pink paint and glitter

" f*ck football, im only interested in yn"

i started cheesly smiling at that idiots poster making me weakly get through the rest of the cheer

as the cheer ended and the crowd rawred, i blew a kiss at the twins, recieving a bright smile from them both

i made a quick glance towards suna who i noticed was staring the other direction

as i looked towards the direction he was facing, i realized it was a group of girls all standing in a crowd at the end of the bleachers

in me, something felt a little disapointed thats what he was focused on but i didnt let it bother me as much

"YN LOOK THATS MY FOOTBALL BOYFRIEND" my co captain shouted at me, pointing towards the other side's team

"ew the blonde one?"

"bitch he is FINE" she stared in aw at him giggling to herself as i called another cheer, catching the teams attention

finally, the game wrapped up to 48-13 leaving our school in victory

"yn! can we take a picture with you guys?" one of the football players i briefly knew asked

"yeah sure let me round everyone up"

we finished the picture but i stayed behind because i was asked to take pictures with the coach and captain of the football team

"thanks for taking the picture with us yn!" the football player thanked

"yeah no problem, thanks for winning the game" i laughed

he sent a warm smile at me and was about to ask something as he was cut off

"YNNNNNNN" the twins came screaming at me, engulfing me into a bear hug

"kate you're so lucky coach didnt see you up there with the twins you would've had laps" i scolded her for not attending

"eh i finish those laps in minutes anyways" she rolled her eyes giggling

i rolled mine , not even noticing the football player disappeared but i shrugged it off, joining my friends as we walked

stained- suna rintarouDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora