part two?????

48 3 0

word count- 458

i grabbed back andrew and placed him in his soft bed, walking over to the white noise machine to turn it slightly up and choose brown noise to fit the mood.

"oh i know what he wants.." i walked out of the room to mine and grabbed a small snorlax plush off my bed to give to him

once i gave him it , it wasnt long til he was dozing off. i internally patted myself on the back after success.

"well everyones outside around the fire if you want to join them" i turned back to suna who was behind me
he said nothing, not even a head nod. he tooo small steps towards me and soon enough we were face to face again, expect there wasn't an infant in the way of our bodies. i felt heat rise to my chest and cheeks as i could feel the soft breaths he took, briefly being able to see his chest move up and down. 
he slowly started to move his face closer to mine, making me sick to my stomach inside.

we were an inch or two away from touching before he stopped. as it seemed like he came back to his senses, he leaned back, digging his hands in his pockets and looking down at the floor

"...yeah...let's..go outside" he spoke quiet enough for me to hear. i wasnt sure if this was because of embarrassment or respect for the baby sleeping.

i gave him a quiet "hm" as we walked out of the babys room, softly shutting the down and walking down the hall to the backyard. as we opened the door almost everyone eyes landed on us.

"did you guys fuc-"

"shut the fuck up astumu" suna cut him off, finally returning to the guy i knew before thirty minutes ago

"no he just got here and got lost on the way" i glanced my eyes over at him, who was refusing to making any contact towards my way

i checked myself back in to my normal self and enjoyed the rest of the time. the twins went home with suna and aran and kate chose to stay til maybe 11 and then drove back home

as i laid in my bed, rethinking all the memories we made, i couldnt help but deepen in thought on suna. 'was he going to kiss me' 'would i have let him?' ...'would i have liked it?'

a rush of heat felt onto my body and i twisted my legs into the sheets, attempting to push out all the fantasizes i could make up before bed. 

after this they're all gonna go to like a cabin or something and things are gonna get HOTTTTTT

stained- suna rintarouWhere stories live. Discover now