the thoughts begin

40 2 0

word count- 1059

the drive was long, maybe four ish hours. me and astumu shared , giggling our asses off as osamu and suna stayed pretty quiet, provably trying to sleep but whatevs

30 minutes into the drive

"guys theres a stop up here were gonna take, theres different food stops and gas stations we can go through" Mrs Miya caught our attention

"can we get snacks?" astumu asked

"yes but theres food , like a meal you can get too"

"we'll get both" astumu whispered in my ear with a smile

getting out of my car, my legs already felt like theyd been buckled up forever. since it was winter, it was super cold outside.

"omg they have a chipotle"

"NO WAY ACTUALLY" i jumped at osamus words

"no, they dont"

"oh...thanks." i was actually so happy to get some chipotle wtf

"theres a burger place, we can get burgers and a ton of fries and then go get snacks from the gas station"

"bet" i grabbed astumu and we started jokingly skipping to the joint

"please look both ways you dorks" mrs miya laughed at our childish behavior

after successfully ordering our food, we ran over to the gas station to cop some snacks!

"okay i know im gonna want some takissss...and definitely some of those chocolate panda thingies...oh and a sweet tea duhhh" i scanned up and down the aisle, knowing i was gonna make astumu pay for it since he bragged so much about his christmas money

after successfully carrying all the snacks over to the cashier, i set out my game plan

"oh wait astumu your moms calling me...gotta go you finish up here!" i sprinted out of the store

"HEY I HAVE TO PAY FOR ALL OF THIS" astumu whinned

i ran over to the burger place and noticed everyone walking out with the order. i smiled and walked beside mrs miya

eventually astumu finished and came as we were loading in the car

"yn you suck" he held two bags of snacks, i smiled

"dont even know what you talking bout" i snickered as i hopped in the back but my foot got caught on something

i felt someone catch my hips to stop my body from hitting the floor of the car

i looked down at the hands and arms around me, the fingers were long and slender, decorated with sliver, cold rings. the arm had a mixture of big and small veins that corsed around it. just from looking at the rings i knew who it was

i stood back up straight, as the arms let go. i sat back in my seat, looking back seeing all the boys staring at me


"nothing!" the twins said in unison, very suspiciously


"hey kiddos! were here!"

we finally made it to the cabin and let me tell you, the shit was BEAUTIFUL

at least three, four floors, the outside had tons of greenary and the top porch was strung with fancy lights. there was also three feet of snow covering both sides of the house

after getting everything from the car in the house, we all plopped on the couch as mother miya was in the kitchen making a grocery list

"ok kids, were gonna be going to the grocery store, it shouldnt be too long and after that i think for dinner were gonna cook some pizza. osamu dont let the house go down. yn, heres my number so you can call if anything happens" she handed me a paper as i went to put it in my phone

"sounds good" i put her contact in my phone

"hey why does she get to be the one to call you" astumu complained

"is that really even a question" suna spoke, i laughed at his answer

another timeskip

i was in my room, getting ready to shower and get out of my car clothes

"hey" i looked up to see suna standing in my doorway

"h-hey" i turned around from my bed full of my skin care

"can you...come help me in my room? with..something" he stuttered slightly which through me off

"uh...with what"

"i just have to show you its hard to explain"

because i have a dirty mind, i let thoughts of suna unbuckling his belt or throwing me on the bed as i walked in but i shook those thoughts away

i walked up to suna in the door as he leaned back to let me through, my height only reached below his shoulder

he followed me into his room, which was right next to mine (like physically RIGHT NEXT TO MINE)

"my bottle of shampoo fell towards the back of the bed and my arms too big to put it in there, and the smallest hands here is you so.."

"uh rude but okay" i walked towards the bed

-suna pov (hehheheheh)

ok theres about to be like slight slight spicy/ lemon idk what to call it so just a heads up

i watched as yn walked over to the bed, and bent down to look under. she had light sweats on so i noticed the line of her underwear...she had a thong on

i quickly looked the other way as i noticed and covered my junk seeing the blood rush to it

"here" she appeared behind me, i adjusted my view down to her size, still thinking about what i saw

"uh thanks" i took the bottle as she 'mhm' and walked out. i looked back on her walking out of my room, being to think of dirty things..

back to normal pov!-

i grabbed my things and went into the shower. i took the time to exfoliate, wash my hair, and lotion my body

hopping out of the shower, i dried my hair and hopped into my pink hello kitty pjs, that was curvy on my butt and thighs but extremely comfortable

as i walked out of my bathroom, mrs miya walked in

"hey hon can you go get the boys to help with the bags?"

"yeah of course" i went up to the basement where everyone was at, playing on the pool table and watching tv

"come help with the groceries" i walked back up to the kitchen

'these stairs are actually going to kill me'

stained- suna rintarouWhere stories live. Discover now